You've got to be kidding me~Chapter 1

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[disclaimer: this was written before Cursed Child came out and if one more person comments that Albus is a slytherin I think I'm gonna lose my mind. Sorry, I put him in Gryffindor because it was more convenient for me]

Albus, Rose and the majority of their cousins were sitting at the Gryffindor table in the great hall. It was a normal Tuesday for everyone. Their friend Scorpius came over to their table(even though he was in Slytherin) to talk to them for a bit. The room was very loud as usual. The post hadn't come yet but, it would soon.

"Urgh, we have History of magic first thing this morning." said Albus. Rose frowned and Scorpius laughed.

"I got charms." he said mockingly.

"You might have to come in and rescue us before we die of-" Rose was interrupted by a drop of light and temperature in the room. Everyone froze. Some of the professors ever stood up.

Dementors? Albus thought to himself. Right in front of the doors started getting much darker, as though a large shadow was forming.

Suddenly, three figures came out of the shadow. The one in the middle was shorter than the other two, he had dark hair, light skin and dark clothes. The person on his right had dark hair as well, but he had tanner skin and was wearing an orange T-shirt. The boy on the left was blonde and possibly the tallest. He was wearing a purple T-shirt though. The boy in the middle looked tired, as though getting there had wore him out.
"I'm Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades, ambassador of Pluto and we're looking for some escaped ghosts" he said right before passing out.

(Two days earlier)

Hades sat on his throne in the underworld. The Giant War had ended two months ago. And, now he could somewhat relax.

One of his messengers then came into the throne room. He looked slightly scared, as did everyone who came in to deliver bad news.

"What is it?"

"My Lord. We've just received news of escaped ghosts in Europe." Hades frowned(well more than his face usually did)

"Where exactly in Europe?" He asked, trying to stay calm.

"Somewhere in Scotland."

"How many?"

"We don't know. We only know of six, most likely there are more."

"They are all in the same place?"

"Yes, lord. They are at a magic school called Hogwarts." Hades pondered to himself. How had he never heard of this before? A magic school?

"I must call my son."

"My Lord, what do you plan him to do?" The messenger asked nervously.

"To go there and bring the ghosts to me." Hades said matter-of-factly.

"All by himself?" The messenger looked at Hades' insulted expression before adding, "You're son is powerful but, we are unsure of what is there besides ghosts."

"Knowing his... friends, he probably won't be going alone anyway. They probably won't let him. Now, I must Iris Message him. Be off."

"Yes my lord." With that, the messenger left the room to Hades, where the god tried not to lose his temper as he called his son.


"You've got to be kidding me, Nico." said Will Solace, son of Apollo.

"I've got to go. It's for my father." Nico argued back at his boyfriend. They hadn't been dating for long, but they made a great couple.

"I don't think you'll be strong enough to get there, get the ghosts and come back without any help." Will said concerned. Nico had just gotten the call and went to talk to Will right after. They were sitting alone in the woods at the moment.

Who you gonna call? ~Percy Jackson Harry Potter CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now