I don't know...Yet.~Chapter 3

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The ghosts were depressing everyone. Word had spread about how the ghosts might be taken away. Usually most of the ghosts were cheerful but now they all sulked around waiting for their verdict. The students had been able to piece together that the newcomers from the morning had caused this. They had not seen these people since breakfast though. Rose, Albus and Scorpius were trying to find a way to figure out more about this situation.

It was time for dinner now. The trio peeked into the Great Hall too see if Professor McGonagall was in there. She nor the heads of houses were at dinner, so they decided to go find where they were. Eventually, they the teachers voices in Flitwick's office. Sobbing was also heard.

"-understand why they have to go back to the underworld?" said Professor Sprouts voice. "What have they done wrong?"

"It's not as though they did wrong," one of the non-jason's said. *Rose Albus and Scorpius don't know their names* "All souls have to go to the underworld."

Another tragic sob.

"They've been here for hundreds of years." Professor Flitwick argued.

"I don't think I can do much for them now that their presence is known." said the same voice.

"Is it possible Hades will let them stay?" asked other non-jason.

"I doubt it." There was a sad silence. Then a sigh from that voice. "Maybe I can talk to him again."

Breaths were let out. The sobbing mostly subsided.

"Thank you Mr.Di Angelo." Di Angelo. That was another name. "In the meantime, you can stay at the school until everything is figured out."

"Where will they stay?" asked Slughorn. There was a bit of silence.

"The room of requirement should do." McGonagall replied. Rose, Albus and Scorpius exchanged looks. Now they knew where the new people would be.

"The what now?" asked non-jasonanddiangelo.

"You'll see soon enough."

"What will we tell the students?" asked Professor Sprout.

"That we have guests for a bit." McGonagall replied, simply. "They should still come to meals so the students will need to be aware of them."

Suddenly one of the ghosts started sobbing uncontrollably.

"What Baron?" asked McGonagall in an annoyed tone. He sobbed harder.

"I-I..." he hiccuped. "I d-don't know-w."

The ghost just kept crying.

"Well, it's settled then. I will show you the room and how to get around the school."

Footsteps started aproaching the door. Rose pulled the boys away into a hiding spot before it could open. They peeked around the corner to see the three figures leaving behind McGonagall.

"That was close." Scorpius said.

"Too close. But now we know where they're going." Rose responded. Distant chatter could be heard from down the halls. Dinner must have ended.

With that, the trio split up to their common rooms, still thinking about what they had just heard.


McGonagall had brought the boys to a room that had apeared out of nowhere and has everything they needed. Nico gelt a little on edge, Jason was just going with it and Percy was making himself feel at home.

"This is insane." Jason said looking around. It resembled a CHB cabin, with three separate bunks, a fountain, and windows that kept changing scenery.

"It could use more blue." Percy said. Suddenly the walls changed from a pale yellow to bright blue.

"Woah." Said Jason and Percy at the same time.

"You two do that while I call my father." Nico said while walking over to the fountain. He pulled out a drachma and threw it into the rainbow mist.

"Yes , Nico?" Asked his father.

"Why do you need these ghosts so badly? "

"We don't have time for this, are you having complications?"

"Not exactly."

"Then I don't see why I am being contacted." Hades responded impatiently.

"These ghosts shouldn't have to leave." Nico finally said.

"They escaped and never went through their trail. It doesn't matter if they don't want to leave, they have to."


"No, Nico." Hades interrupted. "Bring them to here or I will get someone else to do it."

With that he ended the conversation. Nico's shoulders slumped.

"What are we going to tell them?" Percy said walking over to Nico, with Jason in tow.

"I don't know... Yet." Nico replied.

"We should get some sleep." Jason said. The other two boys agreed and they all went to bed. It was hard for them to fall asleep, a bad mixture of worry, concern and different time zones made it very difficult.

How do you guys like the length of my chapters? Should they be shorter with more chapters or same or what? This one was shorter because I wanted it updated soon. I might add more to it later.(My goal is to update on Wednesdays and Sundays but with school almost over it might be hard. Bear with me till summer)

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