Hopefully they know what they're doing~Chapter 8

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Rose was extremely confused, but trying not to let the others know. At the moment, Nico was talking to a rainbow. Being at a wizarding school, you see a lot of weird things but demigods contacting the god of the underworld through a rainbow was definitely the weirdest thing she had seen all week.

It only took seconds for a face to appear in the mist. The god was pale with dark hair and eyes. He looked tired and very stressed.  He was facing the side and he had multiple scrolls of paper around him. he rubbed his temple and looked at a wilting flower next to his seat.

"Father." Nico called to him. He turned his head towards the group.

"Nico," He sat up in his throne. "Good thing you called. I needed to call you anyway. I hope you have good news. "

"Sort of..." Nico responded. Hades raised an eyebrow and gestured for him to go on. " I have a solution for you, but it's not your original request."

Nico looked up at his father for some sort of response but received none. Hades was unphased. Nico took a breath before continuing.

"I've talked to the ghosts here, many of them deserve Elysium or Asphodel Meadows. I don't see any reason why they can't continue living here. Even the ones who committed crimes seem to be being punished here in some way they should-"

Hades rose his hand to silence Nico. 

"The gods know." Hades told him. " They want the ghosts back more than I do, and I'm willing to send someone else to get them if you can't-"

"Father,  there has to be another way-"

"Nico." Nico shrunk and lowered his head slightly. "If I let these ghosts go without a trial, it's unfair. I've seen your sense of justice. You have to see how I can't let some ghosts go without a trail and let them stay in the living world and take others to the underworld. They need to face trial and stay in the underworld just like everyone else."

Nico looked down, thinking. 

"You will bring them back now. Do you understand?"

Percy and Jason looked at Nico for an answer. 

"No." Nico uttered. Hades sat back to listen. "There has to be another way."


"Father," Nico faced his father. Hades didn't seem happy being cut off but he also saw how serious Nico was. Rose felt intimidated watching the two of them.  "You were right. I do have a sense of justice. I see how these ghosts don't deserve the underworld. And the people around them don't deserve to lose them. I refuse to force them into the underworld. You can send someone else to take them but they'll have to go through me too."

Percy turned his head to smirk as he covered his mouth, so Hades wouldn't see.  Jason honestly looked scared.  Hades had a straight face the entire time. No one could tell what he was thinking.  He looked back at his papers, then the flower, before finally turning back to his son. 

"You know I can't take your word for it."

"Then come here!" Nico noticed his mistake in raising his voice. He coughed before continuing. "Meet them, see for yourself how their rightful place is here."

Hades shook his head as he looked at the flower again. 

"I can't leave. If the gods see me leave they'll think I lost control of the situation. Besides, summer is almost over." Nico shook his head, trying to think. "They need to come here."

"And what happens when they get there?" Nico asked him, getting more frustrated.  "I understand that they need to go through a trial, just like everyone else, but..."

Who you gonna call? ~Percy Jackson Harry Potter CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now