Where to first, Captain?~Chapter 4

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Albus had his head in his hand as he poked around at his food. He was one of the only people at the Gryffindor table at the moment. He had gotten no sleep the night before because of one of the boys in his dorm, named Dylan. Dylan had joined the quidditch team that year and the first game was to take place that afternoon. Dylan was so nervous that he spent the half the night talking aloud to himself. Albus could usually ignore things when he tried to go to sleep but this night had been hard. Especially after what he had learned that day about the ghosts and the mysterious newcomers.

People slowly started to enter the hall. Albus's eyes kept drooping and he had to focus really hard on not falling asleep.

"Were you up all night worrying about me?" said a voice behind him, jumping him back into reality. Behind him was his brother, James.

"G'morning to you too." Albus replied, sleepily.

"Seriously," James started. "Why are you so tired."

"Dylan wouldn't shut up about the game."

"Well you should be used to that," said Lucy, their cousin who came up to them and stole a bagel. "James probably talks about quidditch in his sleep."

James nodded, saying it was probably true.

" If he didn't, I'd kick him off the team." said Fred, coming up behind James. Fred was captain.

"Woah, Al" said Lily, coming over. "You look like you died."

"Is the whole family going to show up to tell me something I already know?" said Albus, grumpily. He then got up to go find Scorpius. Not seeing him at the Slytherin table, Albus decided to go look around the hallway.

A little bit in, he heard what sounded like arguing.

"She said to go right!" said one of the voices, which sounded oddly familiar.

"Yeah but, she said to go straight first." said a different voice.

"And straight is down." argued a third voice.

"What do you know about straight, Nico?"

Albus turned towards the voices. Thinking he would try to help these people or at least see them. When he turned the second corner, he saw he three newcomers from the day before. He tried to turn around before they noticed him but he was too late.

"Hey!" the blonde one said to get his attention. "Um, could you maybe help us, we're a bit lost."

Albus turned around to face them.

"Yeah. What are you looking for?" he started to walk towards the group. They weren't much older than him.

"Professor McGonagall said to go to the Grand Hall." said the taller, dark haired one.

"Great Hall." corrected the shorter one.

"Definitely, I was just there." Albus started to lead them back to the hall.

"What's your name?" asked the blonde one.

"Albus." he was worried that they would recognize his last name if he said it. "You?"

"I'm Jason. This is Percy and Nico." Albus nodded.

" I have an uncle named Percy." Percy blushed at this comment.

"You're a student here?" asked Nico.

"Yeah." As they walked, Albus saw a small group of people coming down one of the halls, behind the group was Scorpius. "Hey Scorp!"

The boy looked up, saw his friend and came over to them.

"Hello Albus." he said before looking at the newcomers. He gave Albus a look that said how did you find them and them?!?!?

Who you gonna call? ~Percy Jackson Harry Potter CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now