I could tell.~Chapter 5

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Nico, Jason and Percy were in an unoccupied classroom with a ghost who called himself the 'Fat Friar'. It seemed sort of mean in the boys opinions but, the ghost said that's what he was called.

"So, how did you die?" Nico asked him, trying to be polite.

"I was executed."


"Senior churchman grew suspicious of my healing the pox by poking peasants with a stick."

"So," Jason started. "You were killed for healing the sick."

"And pulling rabbits out of cups." the ghost added.

"Well that doesn't seem punishable." Percy said.

Nico ignored his comment.

"How did you become a ghost?"

"When a wizard does not wish to die," The Fat Friar began, "they are able to leave their spirits behind and stay as a ghost forever."

The boys looked at each other. Nico thought to himself. How come they weren't even brought to the underworld?

"Can only wizards do this?" Nico asked the ghost.

"Only magical beings."

It was possible that part of this could have been Hecates doing. Did wizards come from her anyway? Nico decided he would just talk to his father about this.

"Thank you." Nico started to head out with Jason and Percy behind him.

"Wait!" The Fat Friar called before they could leave. "Do you think you can save us from Lord Hades?"

"I think I can save you from incorrect judgement. But, if any of you ghosts did something punishable in your lifetimes, I don't think I can save you from justice."

With that, they left the ghost, terrified in the abandoned classroom.


"How can we even find them again?" Rose asked Albus and Scorpius as they sat in the library, trying to finish up some homework before the quidditch match in two hours.

"We know where they are staying, maybe if we just wander around the seventh floor we'll bump into them." said Scorpius.

"Would they go to the game?" Albus asked.

"They probably have no idea what quidditch is and that there is a match today." Rose answered as she tried to finish her essay.

"How many inches you got?" Scorpius asked.

"Barely enough." Rose answered, trying to write a little bigger. "I'm just going to finish this paragraph and call it quits."

Rose could be a very good student, if she was interested. Otherwise she just barely made it.

"I'm done with astronomy." Scorpius said. Albus glared at him.

"I haven't even started that."

"Not my fault."

"I can't focus right now." Albus said, closing his book. "Let's go over to the seventh floor to see if they're anywhere near there."

Rose and Scorpius agreed and started to pack up their stuff with Albus.

They wandered around the seventh floor for a long time. They just kept walking as if they were going somewhere until they heard voices. After a false a alarm and startling two first years, they heard different voices. Older, male voices. The trio walked towards them.

Before turning the corner, they heard, "I hate how this room works."

Rose looked around and realized that they were where the Room of Requirement was.

She started to go around the corner to reveal herself and the boys followed her lead.

When they turned, the boys had just got the door to open. When they saw the kids, they looked a bit surprised.

"What are you doing in there?" Asked Rose even though she already knew. She wanted to see how they would react.

"Um..." said Percy. "Ghostbusting?"

Nico facepalmed.

"We're going to talk to someone in there."

"We know what that room is." Rose replied. The three boys looked at each other.

"You do?" Jason asked.

"Yes. Our parents told us about it."

"Darn parents. " mumbled Percy.

" So what are you really going to do in there?" Asked Scorpius.

"Calling someone." Nico responded honestly. He was going to call his father(and maybe Will while he was at it).

"With what?" Rose said. "Technology doesn't work here."

"Magic?" Percy added. "This is a magic school right?"

"You can't exactly call with magic. Are you sending a letter." Albus had finally said something.

"Yeah sure." Albus, Rose and Scorpius weren't convinced with that answer.

"Who are you contacting then?" Rose asked.

"My dad." This was the truth. Rose didn't seem convinced still.

"Okay." Albus said, perking up. "You do that, will you be coming to the game later?"

"What game?" asked Jason.

"The Quidditch match."

"Oh," Jason looked at the other two for an explanation and got a nod from Nico and a shrug from Percy. Not helping. "We'll try to be there."

"Cool. See ya around" With that, Albus lead Rose and Scorpius away. Both of them, confused. They started walking down the hall.

"What was that all about?" asked Scorpius.

"I thought we were going to learn more about what they're up to," Rose said angerly. "Why did you do that."

"We don't need to be all harsh on them Ro," Albus said. "They might not even be bad."

"Plus, it's not like they'll talk to us if they don't like us." added Scorpius.

"I just don't want to get comfortable before we know anything."

"It's not like they're a different species," Albus noted. "He said he was calling his dad. He wasn't lying about that. I could tell."

"Well that doesn't change my mind." The three came to the staircases. Rose made her way towards the Gryffindor common room.

"I'm going to finish up my homework before the match. I'll see you both later." With that, she left and went up to the girls dormitory.

"She's got some trust issues." Albus said.

"I could tell."

After the interesting in counter with the three wizards, Nico, Jason and Percy felt a little hesitant. They went into the room of requirement and Nico set up the fountain for iris messaging.

Thanks for being so patient guys. I'm glad people actually like this story. I made this chapter much shorter than I intended just to post it on my deadline. Now I can be proud of myself. I'll add to it over this three day weekend and have it actually finished on Monday. I just have no motivation today. I'm going to continue watching Batman now. Thanks![update: I never finished ]

Who you gonna call? ~Percy Jackson Harry Potter CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now