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Lightening crackled against the blackened night sky matching the intensity of the situation.

He grabbed the boy by the scruff of his shirt lifting him off the ground as if he weighed nothing. Looking intensely deep into his eyes the man wickedly grinned knowing he won the fight but an example had to be made. Bringing him to the edge of the roof he lifted the boy higher and triumphantly said the words he always wanted to say.

"Until we meet again Arthur Paragon, enjoy your life."

What life? Can you really call this a life having to bear such a burden on a pubescent boy's shoulders? How was it that that out of billions of people he ended up with such power?

At one point in his life he thought maybe he could do something no one else in his shoes would have the balls to do, actually try and make a difference instead of bitching about every little thing that goes wrong. All he did get unfortunately was the dark twisted side of being able to do the impossible.

Arthur was once told that the power he possesses was a gift, but he saw it more as a curse. To understand what happened to Arthur lets to go back to where it all started, his fifteenth birthday. It was just like any other day in the life of Arthur Paragon.

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