Chapter Five

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McKinley's POV.

I herd the door bell ring twenty minutes after Jonathan left.... thank god he left but i was actually kinda sad without him but as soon as i thought about missing him i quickly tried to distract myself.

I opened the door and see a dozen roses with a not attached to then saying " I' sorry please forgive me. Be ready at 7:30 I'm driving you to school."

I was in shock but after the shocked expression was wiped of my face a smile lit it up.

I was really happy for some unknown reason.... i started thinking oh my god what if he likes me? As soon as that thought entered my head it quickly disappeared because i know he doesn't like me. i mean who would ever like me? Jonathan was just tiring to be nice.

That night i went to bed dreaming of Jonathan... I know what your thinking i shouldn't be dreaming of him i'll just be disappointed in the end because he DOESN'T like me.


I got up at six o'clock, took a shower and then put some cloths on because apparently you cant go in your birthday suit.

I put on some Holister skinny jeans and Panic! At the Disco tee shirt. and my uggs. My hair was straitened. Once i was done i walked down stairs and ate my coco Dino cearl. Don't judge there so good!

After i had a few minutes to spare so i put in my head phones and my phone stated playing "This is Gospel" from Panic! At the Disco and started to sing without knowing and i didn't even know Jonathan pulled up. He must have tapped me on the shoulder and scared me so i accidentally punched him in the stomach. oppsies.

He gave a load grunt and i felt really guilty.

'Oh my god I'm so sorry i didn't mean to" I said i was kinda scared because Jonathan has a bad temper he has gotten into more fights then i can count.

"It's fine beautiful i'm over it" Jonathan said leaving me all flustered and I immediately looked down because I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Aww did you start blushing because he called you 'beautiful'?" I herd my sister Amy said.

Uggg I hate my sister with a burning passion she always pesters me and teases me and whenever she does something wrong she sucks up to Dad and he believes her but Mom doesn't. Thank the lord some one around here believes me instead of my two-timing slutty ass bitch of a sister. Yeah i know i normally don't swear but when it comes to my sister i do.

'Why don't you go back inside and suck up to daddy." That was definitely not my voice that said that it was Jonathan's voice and he sounded pissed off, in a way i found that so attractive.

"What did you just say to me you little twerp?" Amy said with a smirk daring him to say something.

"You herd me I've seen how you treat her.." pointing to me ".. and I'm done with it just because shes not like you and that's a good thing! She's prettier than you and absolutely beautiful! Any guy would be lucky to have her and no guy can afford her. Unlike you if a guy gives you five dollars to get in you pants you'll let them. lets go McKinley."

I just stood there processing what just happened but before i could say anything his hand grabbed mine and inter-winded our fingers. I thought i was on fire, He led me to his Motorcycle and i think part of me died.

"I'm NOT getting on THAT!" i said emphasizing some of the words

"Aww come on babe I wont go that fast i promise"  He said

I blushed again... what id he doing to me?

"Fine but if I die I'm going to haunt you first. Got it?" i said tiring to sound serious as possible.

"Whoa easy there tiger no need to go haunt people." He said giving me his famous smirk.

He gave me a helmet and i got on and then things got awkward

"Um Beautiful you might want to put your arms around my waist unless you want to fall off and we wouldn't want that now, now would we he said as his voice was all husky and all i could do was nod and that when i realized how close our body's were. 

I did as i was told and holy crap his stomach was solid.

We arrived to school in one piece

. We walk through the front doors and he draped his arm around my shoulders, people looked at me like 'whoa how the hell did she land Jonathan James?'.

Jonathan's Best friend Jake gave me a smirk and a nod and gave Jonathan a wink. huh what was that about? I was torn away from my thoughts when a high pitched scream came from behind me.


Well there goes my good mood. Little known fact is that i have temper that likes to get the best of me sometimes and this was one of those moments. So i walked walked straight up to Holly and punched her in the nose, i think i broke it but whatever don't call me a slut and we wouldn't have these problems.

When i walk back to Jonathan he gave me a smile and put his arm where it originally was before and walked to first period together

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