Chapter 3

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 Jonathan's POV. 

She ran from me.... I know I probably scare her because I'm six foot six and she's so tiny but still I didn't mean to scare her but however I do love a good chase. I was gonna follow her but I would be late to class and I do NOT want to be late to Mr. Hanks he already hates me and if I'm late he'll give me a detention and if I get a detention I'll be late for Hockey Tryouts.  I was the best on the team, I lived for hockey. Coach was sure I was gonna be in the big leagues.

I walk into second period and give Mr. Hanks a smile and he huffs and rules his eyes well then there goes me trying to be nice..... I cant wait till the end of the day.


McKinley POV.

I ran all the way to my second period class and everyone in the room looked at me funny because I was panting probably I had to run up two flights of stairs. I walk to any random desk that was open, pull out my books and half listen to Mrs. Demira 's lecture about her expectation's from us blah blah blah blah no ones even listing so why should I? I'm also thinking about later, I'm nervous what will happen if I don't show up? Will he try and find me? Would he go to my house and yell at me for not meeting him at his car?  

As the day went on I barely listen to any of the teachers because I could car less about it, but finally my favorite class... lunch, I know its technically not a class but hey if I say its a class its a class. I find my friends sitting in the corner of the lunch room, I like the spot they picked none of the security cameras can see over where they are so I can pull my phone out and spend the whole period eating and  on instagram.

"Hey Kinley" said Katie, she dances with me she is an amazing tapper I'm more of a ballerina. Katie has long blond hair, tall, skinny and has curves I'm jealous she has curves but to be a dancer that's one of the many thing you don't get till later on like I don't have any boobs it sucks but it doesn't because I always hear girls complain that big boobs hurt and you get back problems so thanks the lord I barely have any!

"Hey Katie how was your summer?" I asked but I already know how her summer went.. it was great up till her scumbag of a boyfriend broke up with her because he wasn't interested. I was just trying to be polite.

" It was actually really good!" this took me by surprise because she looked genially happy. She must have saw my confused look when she said " I met a boy, his name is Sean and he's so sweet. You have to meet him McKinley!" She sounded really happy so I agreed to.

'Okay, okay I will, I'll give him the 'talk' " I said and she knows what I mean when I say the "talk"

" Oh NO you wont, I don't want you to scare him off and if you do you'll have about five seconds to run away before I kill you. okay?" 

"Okay" she sounded like if I did do that that she WOULD kill me and knowing her she would.

******END OF THE DAY*****

Oh my gosh I think I'm going to die, I didn't tell any of the girls that Jonathan offered to give me a ride home so if he decides to kill me no one would know it was him!

I get out side and try to look for him but I didn't see him and I don't know what his car looks like so I just left.

when I get home I change into some sweats and a tank and turn the radio on full blast. I almost didn't her the banging on the door, when I open the door I see a very angry Jonathan. uh-oh I'm so screwed.

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