Chapter 3

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Ciel's POV

Yes! I finally finished all of my chores! All that torture is finally over.

I walk into the gaming room, which doesn't really have a lot of fun games considering what year it is. My stepmother and stepsiblings were all gathered there.

My stepmother was talking to some Chinese merchant that drops by every now and then to sell or buy things from us. The twins on the other hand, were playing a game of chess. Elisabeth was losing so far, and I could see that she was very close to throwing another tantrum.

"Mistress, I'm finished with all of my chores." I say when the merchant leaves.

"Well that sure was fast!" Alois states.

"Since you're done you can prepare lunch so that we can all have a picnic outside." my stepmother says.

"We're going on a picnic?" I ask.

"Of course we are!" she replies.

"Seriously?!" I ask.

They never let me go anywhere with them unless it's to hold their bags when they go shopping.

"Yes we're going on a picnic, but while we're there could you go and do a little shopping for me? If you hurry you might make it back in time to eat." she replies evilly.

I hate it when she does that. She gets my hopes up for nothing. She hands me a list of all the things that she wants me to buy, and when I look it over, I know that I won't be back in time.

"And if you aren't done by the time we finish eating, then you get to sleep outside because we're going to lock all the doors." she adds.

Just my luck! Today's going to be another one of those days when I have to sleep in the barn and I don't get any dinner or lunch, unless you consider the corn that we feed the chickens as actual food.

"Yes Mistress." I reply before I walk into the kitchen to make them lunch.

When I'm done making them sandwiches, cookies, and some tea, I place it all into a basket. I then walk towards my stepmother's room and knock on the door.

"Come in!" she tells me, and I do as she says.

"Lunch is ready." I inform her.

"Well if you're done then help me get my coat on, and then go get the twins ready." she orders.

I help her put on her coat before I head out to the twin's room. I knock on the door and Elisabeth opens it a few seconds later.

"What do you want?" she asks angrily.

Apparently she and Alois got into another fight. I wonder what they did this time.

"Lunch is ready." I reply.

"Tell mom we'll be there in two minutes." she says before slamming the door in my face.

I walk back into the kitchen to pick up the basket, and then I head outside. My stepmother was sitting there waiting for me. When she sees me exit the house without the twins, she gives me a very displeased look.

"Where are the twins?" she asks.

"They said they'll be down here in two minutes." I answer.

We both wait in silence until the twins walk out of the house. They both had angry expressions on their faces as they stepped out onto the grass.

"What's wrong?" my stepmother asks Elisabeth as we walk towards the park.

"Alois smashed the glass with my favorite perfume in it again!" she screams angrily as she glares daggers at Alois.

"I said I was sorry!" he exclaims.

"You're lying! You did it on purpose!" she yells.

"I accidently slipped on one of you're stupid dolls and hit the table with your perfume on it!" he says.

"Well it's not my fault that that doll was there! It's Ciel's fault because he didn't pick it up! And don't call my dolls stupid! They're a lot more useful than you'll ever be anyways!" she says as she tries to put the blame on me.

"Ciel!" the twin's mother screams. "It that true?!"

"I cleaned their rooms earlier this morning. Elisabeth probably dropped her doll sometime after I left." I explain.

"Stop making stupid excuses for your laziness, you good for nothing child!" she screams angrily.

The she turns around and slaps me in the face. Hard. I could feel the blood trickling down my cheek. Tears pushed angrily at the back of my eyes, but I wouldn't let them out. I refuse to show any sign of weakness in front of this woman.

I just drop my head and silently stare at the ground for the rest of the walk while Alois and Elizabeth laugh at me.

When we get to the park, my stepmother turns to me and says, "Don't even bother coming into the house tonight. In fact, you can sleep outside for the whole week."

I just nod and hand Alois the basket before I head off to go shopping. When I get into town some people keep giving me weird stares. I wonder why they're staring at me like that until I remember that I still had blood on my cheek. I quickly wipe it away along with the pitiful tear that escapes my eyes.

Now everyone just gives me looks of pity. By now the whole town knows about how my family treats me because my father was well known in this town. Every once in a while my stepmother would get pissed off at me for the dumbest reasons, and then she would hit me in front of the whole town.

No one ever bothered to do anything about it. Well almost no one. One day when my stepmother was especially mad one man stopped her. He stepped between me and her, and as soon as she saw him she bowed before him and stopped hitting me immediately. I never got the chance to thank him, but he was probably some rich noble, so I'll most likely never see him again. Most nobles tell their servants to do the shopping rather than going themselves.

 I slowly trudge through the market area as I buy all of the items on the list. I finally finish in an hour and a half. By now my stepmother and the twins were probably home and doing who knows what they do every day when I'm not around. I walk back home and when I get there I see a note on the door.

It was a list of all the things they wanted me to do for the rest of the day. They wanted me to water all of the plants, pick the ripe fruits and vegetables, clean out the stables, gather all the eggs, take the horses out to graze, walk the dogs, and cook dinner.

I slowly walk into the barn and get started on my new chores.

Ciel as a Cinderella (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now