Chapter 5

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Ciel's POV

Picture: Ciel, Alois, and Elizabeth as kids

I wake up and take a look at my surroundings. I feel something wrapped around my waist, and I look down and find an arm gently wrapped around my body. I slowly turn around and find Sebastian behind me, fast asleep.

After taking a look at the sky I notice that it's time for me to get up and get started on my endless chores. Sebastian looks so peaceful when he's asleep. I don't want to wake him up so I try my best to silently wriggle out of his comforting arms.

As soon as I'm free, he wraps his arms around me again and pulls my back towards him. I whip my head around and my eyes meet his. He's wide awake now. Just how noisy was I as I was trying to sneak away?

"Good morning Ciel." he says with a heartwarming smile.

"Good morning Sebastian." I reply.

"Did you know that you look absolutely adorable when you're asleep?" he asks teasingly.

I just blush and turn away from him. "Whatever," I manage to mutter.

I slip off the tree and head towards the mansion. My stepmother probably already put a list on the door with all of my chores and what time I can be in the house. I reluctantly take the note off the door and look at my list of chores for the day.

Just my luck! I'm stuck with outside work. It's worse than cleaning inside because of all the bugs and the sun makes the job even worse. Thankfully my first job is to make breakfast, so I can at least take a tiny break from the scorching sun.

I sense Sebastian walk up behind me and I turn around to face him.

"Well I guess I can invite you inside now because I have to make them breakfast. But I'm going to have to go back outside right afterwards so you can just sit and chat as long as you want." I tell him.

"Actually I'd rather not. I would prefer to just help you out instead." he replies.

"Are you sure? Wouldn't you rather be with someone more important and with a higher social status than me?" I ask, confused.

"Social status is just a stereotypical creation that humans invented. It means nothing to me." he answers with honesty.

"Suit yourself!" I reply before I open the wooden door and enter the house.

The house was quiet, which meant that everyone was still asleep. I quietly walk into the kitchen and try my best not to make the loose boards creak. I don't want anyone to wake up and take their morning anger out on me.

Once I enter the kitchen I quickly get started on making breakfast. I quickly make some hash browns and eggs along with some tea and coffee. A few minutes later, when everything's done I put everything on three plates and hold two and carry one on my head.

"Wow! You have some amazing balance there!" Sebastian says in amazement.

"Thank you. It took me forever to be able to master this." I reply.

I walk towards the twin's room first. After three dozen knocks, Alois finally opens the door for me.

"What do you want, you annoying little pest?" he asks, angry that I disturbed his sleep.

"I brought you your breakfast." I reply nonchalantly.

"Just put it on the table then leave." he says as he points to a table next to the twin's bunk bed.

I walk into the rainbow colored room and place the two trays in my hand on the table. Unluckily for me Elizabeth woke up at the same time that the silver plates landed on the table.

Ciel as a Cinderella (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now