Chapter 13

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 Ciel's POV

 ⚜ Picture: Lau, the chinese merchant dude. 

I was sad to leave Sebastian, but I had to get back home. I needed to give Grell back his stuff and thank him for helping me come to the castle ball. As I was running towards the carriage, I trip on my dress and end up falling onto someone.

"Ow!" a man cries out in pain.

"I'm sorry!" I say as I quickly get up off the floor.

"It's fine. Just be careful next time. It's dangerous to run in a dress like that." he says as he stands up.

"Sorry." I say one more time before I run off again.

I see the carriage and head towards it. As I was about to get in I notice that something was missing. I had dropped one of the glass shoes when I tripped. Oh well. I'll come back and get it tomorrow or just buy Grell a new one if he wants it back.

The carriage starts to drive away from the castle. When we reach the house I look around to make sure that my stepmother and the twins aren't here. Once the coast is clear, I get out of the carriage and walk into the house.

'Where could Grell have disappeared to?' I wonder.

"Boo!" someone whispers next to my ear.

"Ahhh!" I scream in a very unmanly way.

I hear laughter behind me and spin around to find Grell laughing his ass off.

"Grell! That was not funny! You scared me!" I tell him angrily.

"It was funny. You should've seen your face! It was priceless!" he laughs.

"Whatever. I brought you back your stuff. I accidentally lost a shoe, but I'll get it back. I'm sorry." I tell him.

"Nah. It's ok. I magically made this stuff appear, so I don't need it. So where's my baby?" he says.

"It's outside." I reply.

He runs outside to his magical chainsaw.

"You brought her back! And you didn't even put a dent in her! Good job Ciel." he says happily as the carriage turns back into a chainsaw.

"Thanks for helping me get to the ball." I thank him.

"No problem. Here are your clothes back by the way." he says before he waves his chainsaw and my dress turns back into my regular clothes.

"Thank God! I missed boy clothes." I say happily.

"But you look so cute as a girl." he states.

"Whatever." I reply as a small blush of embarrassment coats my cheeks.

"Well your stepmom will be getting back in a few minutes, so you'd better start cleaning or something." he says.

"Thanks for the heads up. But what are you gonna do? Why did you want all that stuff earlier anyways?" I ask as I remember the list of things that he asked for before I went to the ball.

"You'll see soon. I have a feeling you'll enjoy it. Now go do some work. Remember to act natural when they get back." he replies.

"Ok," I reply before I go find a broom and start sweeping the barn.

My stepmother and the twins show up about fifteen minutes later. I can hear their angry screams before they even enter the house. They must be pissed that I got the prince instead of Elizabeth.

"How the hell did this happen?! How could that ugly bitch win the prince?!" I hear Elizabeth screams angrily.

"She doesn't deserve him!" Alois grumbles.

Ciel as a Cinderella (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now