Q: How did Dairy Queen get pregnant?
A: Burger King forgot to wrap his whopper.
Author's Note:
Yeah, that's the start of the to be soon big big biiig book full with jokes and E.T.C I will like do this daily, if I can of course, so you're not going to miss me for too long I.I
And I don't think this book is ever going to end. Maybe if Wattpad made it that you can't make more tan 200 chapters or something, but who knows? Not me. But soon! :O!
HumorDid you know that its good for you to laugh? No? well damn! It's good i'm saying it now then! It's good i'm here to help you guys to 'not' die, you're welcome. The most of these jokes I have found on the internet, so don't come bitching about cop...