Chapter 1

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Note: I started this story a while ago, I am editing it over my summer break, but I have change most of the social media that I mentioned here.These are the only accounts I have.

Twitter: nakedliamstyles

Tumblr: Tyler-Troye-Troyler

Instagram: nakedliampayne

Spotify: Suzy813

 Text: @troyler to (315) 329 - 6293 To recieve notification texts about updates and new books! (standard texting fees and data rates apply) 


Troye's P.O.V

It had been a long day, one filled with several hours of traveling, including planes, cars and even a train early this morning. I was heading to L.A. to visit Tyler Oakley, and Connor Franta, two of my closest YouTube friends, who unfortunately lived halfway across the world, We had made plans several months ago to visit the gorgeous San Francisco, and then spend several days together

All thoughout the day I had been running into fans, which was a bit of a drag. I mean I loved meeting fans and talking to them, but damn they were loud, plus I had a strict schedule to follow today or I would miss one of my connections along the way.

I had nearly missed my current flight when I was swarmed by a sizable crowd in the Perth airport early this morning. Gratefully, security had assisted my transport and I had just barely made the connection. So now, I was comfortably seated [Well, as comfortable as an airline seat could get...] and we were just about to touch down in Los Angeles, when another small group of fans approached me on the plane, just my luck, this was really just great.

"Uhm, excuse me Troye? Me and my friends here, well we are huge fans of yours and well, would you maybe take some pictures with us?" A tall blond girl stammered, while holding out her iPhone. She was pretty, with long curly hair and piercing blue eyes.

I knew that she was already a good fan, and because she was sporting  a '#TROYLER' shirt with pictures from our last collab-video. I should ask her where she got it. I decided against it, as I didn't want to hint that I really did like Tyler.

"Yes, of course!" I replied, a little too overenthusiastically.

After a few pictures, the stewardess kindly asked us to return to our seats, I happily obliged; eager to land and see Tyler, it has been too long since I last saw him.

 Tyler's P.O.V

"Connor we have to go and get Troye at the airport, are you almost ready to go? Where are you?" I ask beginning to get annoyed, I was really eager to get Troye. He was arriving this afternoon for a trip to San Francisco. For the longest time, I had felt closer to him than all of the other YouTubers I was friends with. Troye gave me butterflies all over again, I was in love with him.

Connor was taking way too long, and I was really beginning to get aggrivated with him. He needed to get down here, and out the door within the next minute or I was going to kick some serious ass. 

"CONNOR WHATEVERYOURMIDDLENAMEIS FRANTA! GET DOWN HERE NOW!" I screamed, and he responded almost instantly.

"Yeah? Tyler why are you yelling? We still have - shit! Get in the car, we are going to be late!" he yelled back, he sounded like he just woke up. I don't doubt that he was asleep, he slept almost as much as Troye. Damn. Tyler. Stop thinking about him; its creepy as all hell.

Troye's P.O.V

At last the damn plane landed,  and I began to gather my belongings and bags, feeling myself become increasingly giddy over seeing Tyler.

Relax Troye, he doesn't even like you; you are just friends. He is way too old for you; he is 24 you are eighteen...not even old enough to drink in the States. I needed to stop thinking about this; I wanted this trip to be perfect. 

- - - 

As I was stepping off the plane I was searching frantically for Tyler and Connor. Then I saw something that would be the certain end of me...

Edited: July 20th, 2014

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