Chapter 25

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Saying Hello, and Goodbye


I sat the on the couch smiling for a while. I couldn't believe that, I had possibly saved someone's actual life. I mean I had been told things like this by fans before but this was different. This fan had remained anon. There was nothing they were looking for, just to say thank you. Troye had decided to indirectly reply with a tweet, when I realized out flight was in six hours. Shit. How does this happen every single time? I always manage to lose track of time, and then have to rush to pack. I sighed and began to stand up; ready to go and pack for the trip.

"Ty? Did you forget to pack again?" he sighed at me. I didn't want to admit it, but I couldn't just lie, and be like nope I totally packed and I am just venturing to my room for the fun of it.

"Yes, Troye. Okay I didn't." I snapped, and stormed down the hall to my room, leaving him completely confused. I don't care how rude I sounded. He was always so nosy. It wasn't my fault I had wanted to spend as much time as possible with him. He was leaving to go back to Australia as soon as the trip to Hawaii was done. It broke my heart to even think about it. I sighed as I began to go through my summer clothes, packing tank tops, shorts and a few of my cuter flat brimmed snapbacks.

About an hour later I was zipping up my bag, finally finished. I kept thinking about how rude I was to Troye. I kept snapping at him, and he kept coming back to me. That was just how perfect he really was. I decided I would have to eventually apologize. I walked into the living room and found Troye curled up asleep on my couch. I smiled at him; he looked so innocent when he slept.


I woke Troye up about an hour prior to when we were planning to leave. I hoped he was packed, and since he was so well organized, he was ready to go fifteen minutes after waking up from his nap.

"Tyler? Can we go early? I want to stop at In 'n' Out Burger one more time. I'm going to miss it." He looked at me hopefully. I couldn't even say no. I couldn't even think it.

We left for the airport a half an hour early; so Troye would have time to get his lunch. When we pulled up to the drive thru window, Troye ordered enough food for four people, there would just be the two of us and I'm not even that hungry.

We finally pulled up to the airport, and there was the most amazing thing I had ever seen waiting for us when we arrived.


Tyler and I sat on the couch for a while, just laughing and talking about the fan's amazing message. I never had realized how influential I actually was for these fans I had. It made me feel like the most amazing thing. I had actually been able to change a person's perspective on death. It was truly amazing. I couldn't decide how to reply, so I simply replied indirectly with a tweet, simply stating how grateful I was for such amazing fans. My thoughts were interrupted when Tyler sighed and began to stand up. I immediately knew he realized he had not begun to pack yet.

"Ty? Did you forget to pack again?" I sighed asking him, even though I already knew the answer. I could tell he didn't want to admit it, even though he knew I was right.

"Yes, Troye. Okay I didn't." he snapped at me, I was taken back. Was in a fine mood only a moment ago, and now he was snarling and rude. Though it was a roller coaster with him constantly I still prevailed and loved him to no end. He stormed in the direction of his room, muttering to himself, until he slammed his door. I simply sighed and decided to take a nap. I had not slept much as I was mostly watching Tyler sleep. Yeah okay that sounds creepy, but it is the truth.

I drifted off fairly quickly into a deep and dreamless sleep. I was just that tired; I couldn't even process a dream at this point. I wasn't sure how long I was out. I woke up once just before ten thirty, and fell back asleep around eleven forty-five. I did not wake up again until Tyler was shaking me awake. He alerted me that we had one hour until we were leaving. I will admit I was excited, I mean this was a big trip. I got up quickly and was ready to go fifteen minutes after getting awoken.

"Tyler? Can we go early? I want to stop at In 'n' Out Burger one more time. I'm going to miss it." I asked, innocently. I needed to sound innocent, and needy. He always seemed to fall for that. It was my secret scheme; I could get anything and everything I wanted from him. We agreed to leave a half an hour early, Tyler as in the mood for some food as well.

When we finally left for the airport I was near starved, I had gone almost six hour without food. That was like an eternity. As soon as we pulled up to the window I ordered four burger combos. I handed one to Tyler knowing he was hungry. He wasn't that hungry. The man would be fine.

At last we pulled up to the airport. I was amazed at what we had seen; there were well over a thousand fans ready and waiting to see us go. We had alerted fans we would be going, but had mentioned that we wouldn't have time for a meet up. I guess they didn't care, and they just wanted to see us. I was constantly being blown away by how amazing these fans were.

We stepped out of the car, and were taken back by a tidal force of screams, and teenage girls, and even boys. I knew that O2L had already passed through, so this was all for us. Holy Shit.

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