A Note...

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Hello Readers,


This is Suzannah, of course, but as you know an update comes every other day since we are only down to three chapters. Don’t worry there will be an epilogue and an author’s note. I am writing this to you all because I have several things to tell you all. So you can all be caught up and understand what will be happening with Troyler Fivever.


First off, book two will be posted near the date of May 10th. I have a lot of work and things for school going on right now. Not to mention other stories I am writing [more to that in a minute]. Book two will be update typically EVERY OTHER DAY. When I have enough time, I will post a daily update. This book will most likely carry into the summer.

Secondly, Lost and Found. I am working really hard on that one. It is my favorite story that I have ever written. The chapters are long and have been edited by some of my favorite authors. I have even gone to the extent of making each main character a Twitter account, that is fan owned. I would really appreciate if you guys went over and showed it some attention!


Third, Shattered is already at a thousand reads! Thank you for that! I have gotten amazing feedback on that, mostly people say it is sad. That is the point. Troye is dead and the story is told by Tyler when he’s lost the love of his life.


Last but not least; a few friendly reminders.

o   I update faster when I get good comments and lots of votes.

o   Make sure to sign up for the text alerts, you will be notified where and when the book two sneak peeks are released! Some may be on Twitter, or Tumblr. Even instagram!

o   Send @troyler to the number: (315) 329- 6293

That’s all I have for now. Thank you again for the support on this story. Also, at 8:00 tonight a text will be coming through with a little sneak peek. Be ready!

Troyler FiveverWhere stories live. Discover now