Chapter 51

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Note: Hey guys! Wow, I have a lot to tell you all. First off, I haven’t gotten to thank you all for getting me to 50,000 reads. Like holy god, that is more than I ever planned on. That’s nearly 10,000 a week. Plus, I hit one thousand votes. Like that’s insane! On a similar note, I have noticed how much you all like the stalking adventures. So to say thank you, I am making a full-blown book with stalking adventures. I am posting it soon, so keep your eyes open for it. Wow that was a long note. Okay that’s all I have to say. Here is chapter 51!

-Xx Suzannah


-One Week Later-

Troye was finally being released from the hospital; the nurses and doctors warned me that he might be in pain for a while as he’d shattered his collarbone and a part of his shoulder. There was also a chance that he would experience some flashbacks from the accident; since it wasn’t far after the accident occurred. I was prepared for everything that this accident would throw at us; I just looked at it as an opportunity for us to become closer than we already were. I hoped Troye would see it that way too.

He had called his parents a few days after the accident; when he was feeling much better. They’d insisted he stay here; they thought that traveling home would make everything more difficult for him. I agreed, but I didn’t admit that out loud, plus my selfish side wanted him to remain close to me. Hey, I’m only human it’s a natural thing to be selfish. Normally I fight my selfish tendencies but on this I refused to push them back into the depths of my mind.

I was in the hallway waiting for Troye to finish up talking to the doctors; they had a few last-minute things to discuss, such as his medication and what he would have to do for physical therapy. I didn’t mind waiting for him; after all I had waited almost an entire year to admit I had feelings for him.

Troye finally emerged from his room; he was wearing the new outfit I had bought him while he was recovering. He originally showed disdain for the outfit, but finally agreed to keep it when I “wept” about the fact that he wouldn’t wear the suit I chose. In the end of it all, I won. He wore the outfit; and enjoyed every second of it.

A few minutes later we walked out of the hospital out to my car. Troye insisted that he didn’t need a wheelchair; he had to take one anyways after he had fallen down the stairs outside the entrance to the building. I have to admit it was really funny seeing him topple over but I stifled my laughter; as I didn’t want to embarrass him further. I thanked God silently that I was able to hold it in long enough.


Tyler and I had finally left that bloody hospital; I was grateful to be discharged as I couldn’t stand to be stuck in there anymore. A week was long enough for anyone, I felt bad for anyone who had to stay there long term. Man, that makes me think of Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters from The Fault In Our Stars which was my all-time favorite book. Poor Sawyer was going to be stuck in the hospital for another week since his injuries were slightly worse than mine.

“Hey Tyler, can we turn on some music?” I asked as we stepped foot into his car to head back to his Apartment. Truthfully, I wanted to listen to my own voice and sing along to my songs. What can I say? I like my own voice.

“Yes of course Troye. What do you want to listen to?” he queried. That’s another reason I loved Tyler; he was always so happy. Ready for anything and then taking it head on. I admired that quality immensely.

“The Fault in Our Stars Instrumental version maybe?” I said, smiling. Tyler and myself were the only people who had it; I really loved singing it. Especially when I was with Tyler; I always sang it for him.

As we drove back to his place, we rounded the corner where Sawyer and I could see another car, the same car, barreling towards us. I screamed for Tyler to look out. He seemed unfazed.

“Tyler! Don’t you see the—“ Just then I looked back up and the car was gone. It was the beginning of the pain. I had been told I would see flashbacks and here was where they would begin.

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