Chapter 1: The Styles Family

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The Styles were a happy family. There was a beautiful mother named Anne and a handsome father named Des. They were really rich because when Anne's mother died, her father, who was the best lawyer in town and was very wealthy, went into a deep depression and died shortly afterward too. He willed all his Earthly possessions, including his money and his house to his daughter and his grandchildren. The Styles had 5 children in only 3 pregnancies. They had two daughters and three triplet boys.

The eldest child was their beautiful daughter Gemma. She was a really nice girl and really smart too. She was in college and was a biology major. She loved her family, especially her four younger siblings. She was the one that her siblings came to for advice, which she was the best at giving. She was very happy and full of life.

The middle children were the triplets, Edward, Harry, and Marcel. They looked exactly the same, but had completely different personalities. Edward was the rebel. He was covered in tattoos, he was loud, rude, and rowdy. He got around with many girls and didn't really care about much. Harry was the popular guy in school. He had many female admirers and he was very talented. He and his friends made up the very popular local boy band, One Direction. He was very cheeky and confident. Marcel was the smart, quiet kid. He was very nerdy and geeky. He had big glasses, and wore dress pants up to the middle of his torso and wore long sleeved cashmere sweater vests. You can see why they didn't really get along. They were what people called, "The Styles Triplets."

The youngest child was their other daughter, Debby, was a very peculiar girl. She was very happy all the time and was the light of sunshine of the family. She was the one that could get anyone's spirit lifted when they've been down for a long time. She was also very hot tempered, but she also loved to get into her head and daydream a lot. Despite her multiple personalities,she was also very interested in a lot of different things and was very multi talented. She was an excellent football player, an expert archer, and a wonderful singer. Though, she never did any of these things competitively. She would play football with Harry and some of her friends, she shot arrows as a way to relax and stay at peace, and she only sang at her friends' parties or at school. She was also very beautiful, which gave her a lot of male attention. This also led to her brothers being super overprotective of her. Not that she really needed it. She was small, but she was very strong minded.

Unfortunately, Anne and Des divorced when the children were still young (So much so that Debby doesn't even remember her father). The children stayed with their mother, but Gemma still stayed in touch with their father. Debby and the triplets were now in high school. Debby was in Grade 11 and the triplets were in Grade 12. Edward partied, Harry practiced for gigs, Marcel studied, and Debby.... well, she was off in la la land. That's a pretty darn good family.

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