Chapter 11: What She Doesn't Know

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As soon as I opened the door and laid eyes on this man, for some reason I wanted to cry.

Since that didn't make any sense, I laugh.

"Okay, guys," I say, "Don't do that to the poor man. He is not our father."

These guys are stupid. They're always doing things to make me go all out of wack.

"No, Debby," Harry says, "This is actually our father."

Then I get serious. "Okay, stop doing that. If this was our father, why don't I know him?"

"Cuz he left when you were small." Eddy says.

Tears want to come out, but I don't let them. Instead, I turn to the man and say, "Show me some ID."

The man takes outhis driver's license.

As soon as I examine it, Niall appears at the door and says, "Hey Debby. You ready?"

I don't respond. Instead, I throw the license on the floor and run up to my room.

Edward's POV:

Debby throws down the license and runs to her room. I know it's because she doesn't want anyone to see her cry.

Our father comes in and so does Niall.

Niall looks at Harry, who just points upstairs. He runs upstairs and Marcel follows him. Once they leave, I turn to the man and grab him by the collar angrily.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I say.

"Edward, calm down please." Harry says.

"No!" I yell. "He's the reason, he's the reason she's messed up."

Harry pulls me off the man and stands between us. "She's not messed up."

I look at the man and I say, "You've never seen her. Sometimes she cries in her sleep. When she wakes up, we just tell her that she's sweating because she doesn't know that her subconscious is hiding horrible things." Then I yell, "Why are here!"

"I want to make things better!" He yells back.

Harry then turns to him, glaring, and says, "Well as you can see, this isn't a good time."

Just then, Delilah came in and her eyes widened when she saw our father.

"I'm sorry sir, but you can't be here without Ms. Anne being here."

"You heard her," Harry says, "Get out."

Without saying anything, he heads for the door and leaves.

Debby's POV:

"Please go away." I say. "I'm fine."

"Debby, open the door, everything is fine." Marcel says for the hundreth time.

"I know. I'm fine too." I say.

"Debby, please, open the door." Niall says.

"Don't worry Niall, I'm almost out." I say. I can't wait for this date.

Although, I do kinda wish there was someone here with me, because I need someone to tell me how to make all the hurt I feel inside get out.

Also, how do you make tears stop?

Harry's POV:

After what seemed like forever of hearing Debby crying, I'm ready to kick down the door.

However, just as I'm about to, she opens the door, smiling.

"Why are you all standing here?" She says with a raised eyebrow.

I pull her into a hug and say, "Oh Debby, thank goodness you're okay!"

" Eww weirdo, get off me." She says chuckling.

I get off her and she turns to Niall. "You ready?" She asks.

Niall looks confused. "You still wanna go?"

"Of course." She says. "Why wouldn't I?"

"Well..." he starts sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. However, I nudge him so that he can't continue. Then he coughs and says, "Nevermind, let's go."

Debby smiles wide and and starts heading downstairs. We follow, and I whisper to Niall not to mention anything about what happened to her.

We reach the door and she opens it. She and Niall exit and they say goodbye.

As soon as they leave, Marcel goes to the drawer next to the couch and takes out a card.

"What's that?" I ask.

"It's the number of Debby's therapist." He says, grabbing the house phone.

"We haven't needed to call her since she was three." Edward says. "Do you think we need her right now?"

"Well, we need to know what just happened and this is the only thing I can think of." He says, still on hold I suppose.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2015 ⏰

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