Chapter 6: Elsa Look-Alike and Eddy's Little Princess

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Debby's POV:

I drove home with the triplets, and all my friends followed us two seperate cars. After we grabbed some snacks from the kitchen, the girls and I headed straight up to my room. I locked my door immediately and we immediately started chattering fast. Well, all of us except Perrie.

Perrie is very pretty. She has big blue eyes that are shaped uniquely. Her blonde hair is in a fishtail braid to the side and some messy stands come out in places, but it still looks amazing. Hey, she kinda looks like......

"Queen Elsa!" I exclaimed.

"What?" asked all the girls together.

"I found our Queen Elsa!" I say. I'm ecstatic.

"Oh my gosh, you're right!" says Eleanor.

"That's brilliant!" says Danielle.

Comments like this were shared althroughout the group, while Perrie just looked confused.

"What's going on?" she said, loud enough for all of us to hear in our frantic state. "Can someone please explain?"

"Oh,right." I said, "Sorry Perrie. Can you explain while I make a some quick calls please, girls?"

With that, I left the room to make calls while the girls explain to Perrie our sudden outburst of happiness.


Edward's POV:

Everyone pisses me off in this damn house. Marcel started wigging out as soon as we got home because he got some test he gotta study for.

Harry has all his stupid friends with him, and they were annoying the hell out of me so I had to leave before I punched a freaking wall.

The only person in this house that doesn't annoy me is Debby. She's my princess. I have to protect and love her. She needs it.

She might act like she doesn't need it, but trust me, she needs it.

When we were little, I protected her from our father, and now, I protect her from everything else.

Debby is what I live for and I would give my life for her without giving it a second thought.

I heard some boys in the locker room talking about her like she was some sort of broad.

I might of punched one of them........ or two....

They're lucky I didn't do worse.


Debby's POV:

"Thanks, Uncle Roger!" I say into my phone, finally ending the conversation.

I walk into my room to see all of the girls, now including Perrie, talking animatedly.

"So Perrie," I start, "are you caught up now? Did the girls tell you everything?"

"Yes!" Perrie exclaimed. "An entire Youtube channel where you dress as princesses and sing and do skits? I'm definitely in!"

"Yay!" I say. "Well, welcome aboard, sister!"

"Thank you," she says and we hug. Then she asks, "So, who's Anna?"

"Me?" I said, in more of a questioning tone.

"I thought you were Rapuzel?" she said, also questioningly.

"Well, I play two princesses." I say, simply. "So do Gwen and Eleanor."

"I play Ariel and Merida," said Gwen. "I mean, what else could I be am I right?" she said, pointing at her red hair.

"I play Belle and Snow White." said El.

"I play Mulan." says Jacey, giving a warrior pose.

"I play Pocahontas." says Lily.

"And I play Jasmine," says Dani, then sadly adds, "Well, not for long, I guess."

"Aw, c'mon Dani, none of that tonight!" I say, trying to be cheerful. "Hey, how about a proper farewell for Princess Jasmine? Youtube tonight?" I asked hopeful.

"Yes!" all the girls said in unison.

"Great idea, Deb!" says Dani. Then she says, "I just have to talk to Liam first." Then she walks out.

"Well," I say after a few moments of silence, "Awkwardness sandwich, anyone?"


Author's Note:


It is currently 1:49 A freakin M and I look and feel like crap! You guys are lucky I love you!

Okay, Five Things about Me are:

1. I have 4 Niall posters on my wall. Yeah, FOUR!

2. I have three younger sisters: Katie - 10, Tiara - 7, and Fenix - 2 months.

3. I am currently wearing a pink Simba shirt.

4. I was born in the Chinese year of the Rabbit.



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