Chapter 10: Shooting Arrows

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One Week Later:

Third Person POV:

"Elsa, don't you ever leave me again!" says Anna, looking at her sister lovingly.

"Oh Anna, that will never happen again." Says Elsa, really meaning it. "By the way, what is that amazing smell."

They both sniffed the air, looked at each other say, "Chocolate!", and giggled.

Debby's POV:

I turned the camera off and hugged Perrie tightly.

"You're an amazing Elsa!" I tell her, and really mean it.

"Thank you!" she says, hugging me back. "We make amazing sisters!"

"Don't we?" I'm very excited about this, then, I get serious when I think about something. "Hey, as my sister, can I tell you something?"

"Um, sure," she says sweetly. We sit on my bed and I start speaking.

"Okay," I begin, "Last week, Niall asked me on a date."

"No way!" She says loudly. "Gwen was telling me you two have a history, this is huge!"

"Dangit Gwen!" I say to myself. "You have to learn to keep your mouth shut."

"Oh calm down," Perrie says, giggling. "Gwen didn't say much other than the fact that you have a history."

"Well, I'll tell you more." I say, because I really trust Perrie. "Well, Niall and I met when he first moved here from Ireland. He was always more Harry's friend, but we always had a close bond. Well, when I was in Grade 7, we admitted to each other that we liked each other, and we started dating. However, we decided we were better off as friends, but we promised each other to try again when we were older. So, he asked me on a date when I announced that I'm going to college."

"That. Is. Romantic!" Perrie squeals. "But, why are you telling me all of this?"

"This might sound dumb, but I need advice on what to wear." I say. "The date's tonight, by the way."

"Hell yes!" She says. "I'm gonna help you with everything! I'll call the other girls, you jump in the shower and we will do this!"

She shoves me in the bathroom, gives me my towel, and closes the door. I take off my Anna costume, my wig, put on Pandora, and jumped in the shower.

I try to be fast, but then I think to myself that I should be slow. I need to calm down. So I just start thinking about something I like:

I like archery. I like that I need to be calm to shoot. I need to clear my head and think of nothing else but the target and the arrow.

While listening to music and thinking about archery, I finished showering. I get out and think to myself, I should just go shoot a few arrows and clear my head cuz I am freaking out.

I get out and the girls are all sitting on my bed. They all crowd around me talking animatedly, but I just go into the closet. I put on some random regular clothes and get my bow and bag of arrows. I get out and say, "I'll be back in a second."

I run to the backyard and set up my targets. It takes me a while because I don't remember where I put the targets, but when I find then and set them up, I grab my bow, pick up an arrow and aim for the target. Only problem is, I can't really see the target.

"You forgot these." I look behind me and see Marcel holding my orange glasses with Eddy and Harry standing next to him.


They walk towards me and Marcel hands me my glasses. I put them on and aim my first arrow, while the guys sit down and watch me.

I take a shot. Then another, and another. At the fifth arrow, Eddy says, "Okay, Debby, stop! What's wrong?"

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