Chapter Seven - Fights, Flags and Riddles, OH MY!

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"For the red team, Jake Aspen, son of Hephaestus, will be competing. For the green team, Peter Klein, son of Nemesis. And for the blue team, Nick Parker, son of Athena, will all be dueling for the decision of which teams will battle first," Chiron yelled through the loudspeakers at the arena. I was terrified for Nick. He hasn't had any experience, and I bet that both Jake and Peter have gone on a quest to test their skills in the outside world.

"Good luck, Nick," I murmured under my breath. Please don't die out there.

The fighting began. Jake went all out, striking with such harsh force on both Nick and Peter. Peter deflected each swing, but Nick had more trouble. Jake grazed Nick's right arm, which caused him to flinch and mend the pain. Peter then saw his opportunity to strike Jake, and it worked. Peter had cut deeply into Jake's left arm, the arm he held his sword in. He collapsed into the dirt, cursing with agony. Nick finally recovered, and started swinging like a madman at Peter. He deflected the strikes, then parried Nick's final swing, tossing his sword across the arena. Peter pointed the tip of his sword at Nick's neck with such expression, I thought he might've actually stabbed him for the kill.

Peter had won for the green team. He got the glory of deciding who played first, and he sure gloated widely about his happiness. Nick and Jake lost the duel, and they were visibly beating themselves up about it. Nick wiped his cheek subtly, trying to hide his shame. Jake was just cursing and hitting his head against the wall.

"Campers," Chiron exclaimed. "Peter Klein has won the duel. Now, Peter, I will give you five minutes to strategize with your team as to which two of the three--"

"I have already decided, sir," Peter told him.

Chiron nodded. "Well, then?"

"I will have our team, the green team, play the blue team."

Oh my gods, he wanted to battle us first! Holy Hades, is this for real?

Everyone on our team started jumping up and down with excitement that we'd get to play first. Although, I wasn't too ecstatic. I guess I'd just have to teach myself how to fight with one hand while wheeling around with the other...

"Alright campers, you heard the boy! Green team, assemble to the west of the river, blue team, assemble to the east. Red team, take your seats in the nymphs' hospitable and cozy homes so that the game can begin!" Chiron declared. I wheeled myself alongside some of the Hunters, with them shouting orders to our team, telling them which flank to cover.

"Okay," Grace exclaimed. She started giving out orders, starting with Nick, Kaitlin, and Ryan. She kept on giving out orders to everyone, looking passed me each and every time. This kind of made me grateful, since I'd have to get used to this wheelchair mechanism. How would this work? Do I just stay ahead of my attackers and refrain from fighting, or do I fight and refrain from wheeling around too much?

"Emily," Grace caught my attention. "You'll be on border patrol with Phoebe." Phoebe gave Grace a look of annoyance, probably because she's stuck with me. "Alright team, let's kick some Ath-ens! Remember, it's not always about being the better fighter, it's about being quicker on your feet," she looked at me with sarcastic sympathy, "or wheelchair."


The conch horn blew exactly ten minutes after we were signaled to strategize and hide our flags. I can honestly say I had no part in hiding our flag whatsoever. I don't even know where it is! I guess that's good since I'll just have to stay by the creek and fight off any green team intruders, not guard the flag or go searching for the other team's...

Phoebe only had small talk with me while we were patrolling the border.

"How old are you?"

"What's your mortal mother like?"

"How are you doing so far with just one fully functional leg?"

It was quite insulting at how much she belittled me, and I had no intentions of letting that go. As soon as an enemy appears at the creek, I'm going to prove her wrong. I am capable of doing this, and if I have to convince myself along the way, then so be it.

I heard a twig snap to the west, followed by curses. I guess whoever was trying to be sneaky was exposed too early for their liking. I was about to wheel over and try to take this guy out, but Phoebe shook her head 'no,' and mouthed 'let's see who it is first.'

It was Peter.

I had no intentions of fighting this Looney Tune, and I could tell Phoebe didn't want to either. Peter smiled as soon as he saw us. He began to laugh, so loud the leaves above shook. Rather than charging at us and getting across the creek the easy way, he did things differently.

"Alright ladies, I'm a guy that values fair fights. From the look of it, if I were to take my sword and charge, it wouldn't be nearly as fair. So instead, I'm going to talk to you." Peter was oddly calm for an enemy, so I nodded my head. Phoebe glared at him, and pretended to listen to what he was saying. I guess she was looking out for other enemies trying to cross. She was the smart one.

"Emily, you look like a smart girl. So I'm going to ask a question. A riddle, if you must. If you solve it, then I'll walk back to my side of the creek. If you don't, I'll cross the creek into your territory. Is that good?" Peter grinned as I thought about it. What did I have to lose? Either way, I'd get no blood on my hands or lose another leg, so to speak.

"Okay Peter, I'll answer your riddle."

He started laughing maniacally again, and this began to worry me.

"You get three guesses before I walk across the creek into your territory. Here is your riddle:

A man walks into a pub and simply orders a glass of water. The bartender simply looks at the man, grabs a shotgun from behind the counter, and shoots just half of an inch away from the man's face. The man says 'thank you,' gets up, and walks out of the pub. Why did they behave this way?"

This made me think for a few moments. This was indeed a tough riddle, and I wasn't sure that I'd get it in three tries.

"There was a case of water behind the man's head and the bartender shot it, providing the man with water splashing all over him?"

"Nope. Two more tries." Peter's smile reminded me of the Cheshire Cat from "Alice in Wonderland." It was so white I was blinded, it stretched from ear to ear, and the image stayed in my mind even after the smile ceased.

I tried to put things together about why the man would ask for a glass of water. Was he thirsty? Was he bored? Did he need to get the taste of toothpaste out of his mouth?

"The man was bored and needed some excitement, so the shotgun scared him enough to stimulate excitement rather than using the water to dump on his head?"

"Not even close." Peter escalated to laughing again, and the pressure was added. I could not let him cross. I just couldn't. I would look like a coward to Phoebe, and my team would never forgive me for just letting him cross without putting up a fight.

As soon as I was about to make my third guess, I heard whoops and shouting from the northwest. The green team has captured our flag! So much for kicking their Ath-ens...

Peter picked up his sword and came over to shake my hand after all of this. He was still smiling and laughing, but I'd just have to get used to that. As he was about to unite with his winning team, I said, "Peter? What was the answer to your riddle?"

Peter said, "The man had the hiccups," and walked away laughing. The hiccups? How stupid am I? I was coming up with these crazy long answers, when it was as simple as that. Wow. Good job, Emily. This is why you aren't a daughter of Athena!

The Complicated Life of Emily Jones - Based off of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now