Chapter Thirteen - A Quest is Issued

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Sammy and I are most definitely idiots.

We decided to walk right up to the Big House and ask what's going on. I don't know why or how we made that decision, but looking back on it, it was just plain old stupid.

As we were a few yards away from the porch steps, we heard chairs inside shifting. What? They're done discussing plans already? Man, we must've been eating strawberries and chatting it up for a while. Sammy and I darted back passed the strawberry bush and to the pegasus stables as fast as we could, which wasn't very fast, given she has goat legs and I only have one.

After we caught our breath, we heard the conch horn blow. That signaled yet another meeting at the mess hall. Oh gods, what if it's about the prophecy? What if people are trying to figure out what it means? What if I'm chosen to do something important?

Emily, shut up. You're too stressed about this. Calm yourself.

Thanks, the mind of Emily Jones.

You're welcome.


It took a few minutes for every cabin to settle in at their tables, especially the Hypnos cabin. They were all already sleeping when the signal blared.

Chiron and Mr. D. were at the front of the mess hall, and Dionysus was the one to do all the talking. Like in the Sea of Monsters, was he issuing a quest?

"Hello, you ignorant pests," he began. "I know you all heard Ms. Dare's prophecy and have been wondering about why in hell that would make any sense whatsoever. However, I have come to the conclusion that a quest must be in order to carry out the prophecy."

Yup, he was issuing a quest.

Quiet whispering fell upon the hall, everyone anxious as to who he'd pick for this. "Chiron and I have decided on three campers to go on this quest, and whether they like it or not, they'll have to suck it up and go anyway. They will have to find something that has been missing...something of great importance. We will discuss that after we actually issue the quest to the three campers. Are you ready to find out?"

The mess hall exploded in cheers. Dionysus was about to say who, but Chiron whispered something in his ear and then he spoke. "The three we chose came not from favoritism, but from faith, trust, and-"

"Pixie dust!" someone shouted. A few laughs came from that, even from Chiron.

"No, not from the words of Tinkerbell and Peter Pan. From faith, trust, and loyalty. Loyalty. Now, the three chosen ones are-"

"HARRY POTTER IS THE ONLY CHOSEN ONE!" that same someone shouted. It must've been Ben Stoll, because now everyone was laughing.

"Please, Mr. Stoll, let me finish!" Chiron chuckled while he spoke. "Noel George, Gavin Harris, and Nick Parker are the three halfbloods chosen to go on the quest."

Oh. My. Gods.


Cute little Gavin?!

Creepy boy in the shadows?!

Chiron wasn't done. He said, "Although, we must add another camper to this, a maiden of the moon or sun. We shall have Noel, Gavin, and Nick decide amongst themselves who accompanies them as a fourth member on this quest. That person will be revealed tomorrow. Now everyone, get some sleep. Enjoy your nights!"

Everyone headed back to their cabins wondering what would happen tomorrow. The talk about this quest would not end; I heard Ryan speak almost the entire night about it with one of our other half-brothers. All I could do was think about it in solitude.

Chiron chose three boy campers to go on an important quest. The three boys get to choose a maiden, otherwise known as a girl, to go with them. In the books, there's always a girl. There's Hermione, Annabeth, Katniss, would only be wise to choose a female. The question is, which girl will they choose to complete this set of four? 

Holy Hades.

What if I'm that girl?

The Complicated Life of Emily Jones - Based off of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now