1 - A Request

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It's such a relaxing feeling knowing you have nothing to do, no where to go, and no one to impress. It's so relaxing to lay in bed, stare at the ceiling, and watch your fan spin round, and round, and round. Unless of course this is your day every day... like myself. I find this to be aggravating and tedious. I would kill for someone to just show up at my house, banging on my door, pleading for me to do something- anything!

Of course this is why I have a best friend. Whenever I'm bored and in need of something spontaneous to do, Madison steps in. She's always down for anything- and I really mean anything. Her brunette head full of curls will pounce up to my front door, walk into my house, and up the stairs to my room without so much of a notice. Before I even realize she's come unannounced she'll demand for me to grab my stuff because we're going out. Whether it's to a party, bonfire, family dinner, heck even a church group meeting, she'll make sure to drag me to it. Because again, it's not like I have anything better to ever be doing with my life.   

And so of course, it was one of those days. I laid on my queen sized bed, watching my fan spin in circles- round, and round, and round. A loud knocking, or should I say, a rather pounding was at my door. I automatically knew who it was. Although it wasn't like I had many friends.

I practically leapt out of my bed and down the stairs to stare down at the chocolate brown eyes of Madison. Her being under 5 foot made it a bit of a struggle for me. Whether it was trying to wear clothes of hers, or trying to get a decent selfie with her, height played an issue.

Maddie passed through me and marched into my house, failing her arms, and going on about some party. Which I don't care much about- at all actually. I was never a party type of girl. I love to sing off tune, and dance stupidly around my room. But the thought of doing that in public? Absolutely a terrifying idea to me.  

"Oh. My. Gosh. Aubrey. You are NOT going to BELIEVE what's going on tonight! Look! Look what's going on TONIGHT!"

I shut the door and turned around to see Madison bouncing up and down and squealing while holding her phone out for me to read. I grabbed the phone and read the picture on Instagram. LAST POOL PARTY OF THE SUMMER AT 465 WEST LANE ST. BE THERE. BYOB AND BYOW.

I causally handed Madison back the phone, giving her a shrug. She was a big partier, and loved having a good time. I on the other hand could care less about drinking and getting high with a bunch of losers my age. 

That last part may have sounded a bit judgemental, not all who smoke and drink are losers... But I must say a good portion of them are.

"Did you not see who's hosting it?" She smirked at me while giving a wink.

I took the phone back from her hands. Hosted by: Clark Burk.

Clark Burk, where do I even start with him... Most preppy, popular guy in school. He plays a sport every season, Football, Basketball, and Lacrosse. Not to mention he's the best in every sport. Everyone goes to the games, just to see him... Ok maybe that isn't entirely true, but it might as well be. Aside from everything written on paper, his looks are amazing. The way his face caves in below his high cheekbones, and the way his sharp and structured jawline blends perfectly with his chin. Clark's piercing ice blue eyes, and dirty blonde hair, made him a dream.

Sounds like every wattled boy every created right? Yeah, but that's what makes him great. I happen to be a total hopeless romantic, and can't get enough of the perfect fairytale ending.

However, my dream guy hosting the party made me want to go even less. I didn't want to look out of place or like a total fool in front of Clark.

"Now I definitely don't want to go." 

Madison grabbed her chest and leaned backwards. She was completely shocked by my response. But she soon recovered and decided she didn't appreciate my response. She rolled her eyes at me and dragged me to my room.

She might be tiny but damn was she strong.

"You are getting ready and looking SO gorgeous and we're going to have A GREAT TIME! It's the end of the summer and we need to get LIT! It's the biggest party of the year! You know what that means? TONS OF HOT GUYS, including Clark!" Madison rambled.

I pulled myself back from her grip, crossing my arms and glaring at her. "I'm not going to that party."

Madison crossed her arms to mock me, "And why not?"

I sighed running my fingers through my hair before fidgeting with my fingers. 

"Because you know how I feel about parties, and people who attend them."

Madison stuck out her bottom lip, "You won't even go for me?"

"No. You should leave now if you still want to get ready and make it there on time."

"First of all, no one arrives on time to parties. Second, I'm not going without you Aub."

"Well you're gonna have-"

"If you come with me to this I'll never ask you to come to another party again."

Now that sentence captured my attention. I knew this was the only opportunity I'd get to have Madison stop bugging me about parties.

I raised an eyebrow, contemplating my choices. I sighed and rolled my eyes before giving my final answer.

"Fine." I stated in defeat.

Madison jumped up and down, cheering and screaming. She was so excited I had finally agreed to come to a party with her. I even smiled back at her in response.

But, at the moment I didn't realize my defeat would cause a chain reaction of bad events.


A/N - Hey people I'm back! I hope you really enjoy this story. Let's hope I can finish it! Hit that star button and give me a vote if you liked this chapter and are excited for more!! :)
ALSO I JUST ADDED A PIC OF HOW I SEE AUBREY! You can picture her as you like but yeah :)

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