4 - A Hangover and School

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The beeping of my alarm caused my head to pound with pain. Grabbing my alarm with one hand and my head with the I groan in annoyance. I hear shuffling on the other side of the bed, but also on the floor. Lifting my head up I realized Madison was rolled up in a ball on the floor...but who was beside me? Flipping myself over, I saw Bethany, soundly asleep on the other half of the bed.

I try to sit up but my body automatically tells me no, slamming me back down onto the bed. I feel like sticks are being banged against my head, and my legs are lifeless. Man why do people drink if this is the consequence? Absolutely made no sense to me. Throwing my pillow at Madison, I told her to go get me some water and Advil since she made me go to that dumbass party.

That dumbass party where you met the hottest guy ever. Where you also embarrassed yourself, but hey he knew your name.

Oh Clark. So hot, and such a jock. He's too popular though, he'd never go for me.

Feeling my heart ache in pain at the thought. I'm taken out of my trance when Madison walks in with what I asked for. I smile and say thanks. She's beyond annoyed and slumps back down to her bed on the ground and goes back to sleep.

Once the medicine is fully in my system and I'm feeling a tiny bit better, I start stalking Clark on social media. I mean if you can't get the real deal get the next closest thing, am I right? While gawking at his pictures I realize a familiar face in one.


Ew, Asher. He was such an ass, to everyone. How could you stand being like that? How could anyone stand being friends with that?

Shivering from the thought of Clark and Asher being friends. I click out of my Social Medias and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Massaging my forehead, I kick around trying to fall back asleep.

"Would you fucking knock it off? Some of us are trying to sleep." Grumbled the bitch next to me.

You'd think she'd be grateful I brought her here. Obviously I was wrong.

"Shut up I'm trying to get comfortable." I retort. Bethany makes a grunt and falls back to sleep.

Rustling around in my sheets, I can't get Clark's face out of my mind.


Today is the big day. Today is my last first day of high school. My senior year starts today, and I've never been more excited.

Clapping my hands together I smiled at the white sundress I had picked to wear to school along with my white sandals. So simple and safe. I curled my hair into loose blonde curls and applied mascara to my eyelashes.

As I was about to slip out my house my phone dinged.   


I instantly smiled. We had been talking a lot recently and he was such an amazing guy. He made me giggle with his stupid jokes, and feel special when I was replied to seconds later, and beautiful when he complimented my makeup and outfits. Everything you need in a guy. And man, was I falling hard for him. I shouldn't be.. but I am. I mean who wouldn't?

He was the most charming, good looking, athletic, popular, guy in our school, hell maybe even the town or state! And he, Clark Burk, was talking to me.

"Hey beautiful, am I going to be seeing you in school today? ;)"

I giggled to myself, looking around to see if anyone caught me.

"Ofc you will : ) I hope we have a class together!"

"Me too. See you there Aub."

With that I took off to school, in hopes of seeing Clark Burk.


Walking into high school again for the first time in three months, depleted my senses. My nose practically crumbled from the disgusting smell that reeked from the stair cases, and school in general. My eyes burned from the hideous inspirational quotes sprawled against the walls. And let's be honest, my tongue almost fell off because the school food is terrible!

I did not miss this hell hole. The worst part of all? I hadn't seen Clark yet, which made me really disappointed. Not only that, but I didn't see Madison either.

However there was one more class until my day ended, and I still had hope I'd see one of them at the very least.

"B301." I mumbled to myself glancing at the wall numbers and my schedule. I've been here for 4 years and I still don't know every room.

I was too busy with my schedule I didn't pay attention to my feet. I tripped on my own foot and plopped onto the ground with a loud thud and a cushion below me. However when I moved the hair out of my face I realized it was no cushion.

"Asher?" I breathed out.

"KJ if you don't hop off me right now we're going to mix." Asher barked at me.

I huffed getting up and brushing myself off. He's such a dick.

"Look I realize I'm hot but you don't have to jump my bones right here in the English hallway." Asher smirked at me.

I felt all the blood rush to my face. He was so infuriating. I wasn't going to let him get the best of me though. So I whipped myself around in the opposite direction and continued looking for my class. Yet a hand stopped me.

"Where are you heading?" Asher asked me.

I glared at him, "Why do you care?"

With that he shrugged, and walked away to his class. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and continued my quest.

After what seemed like forever on my quest I decided to ask a teacher for help. I swung open the door and met the blue eyes of Clark Burk.

Yeah I wish that happened... but instead I met the dark, shit brown eyes of Asher. I gawked at him for a while. I couldn't believe I had class with him.

Aubrey you're not a child, you can deal with this.

I collected myself and looked at the whole class, which happened to be looking back at me.  I felt the blood rush to my face again and tried to play it off with a sly smile. Finally I locked eyes with a familiar face, Bethany.

I walked over and took out a chair next to Beth, and automatically everyone turned back around. Beth smiled at me.

"Hey girly! How've you been?"

I smiled back, "Good thanks for asking."

She nodded a couple times as if trying to sink the information into her mind.

"Want to come to a party with me this Saturday?" She blurted out cocking an eyebrow at me.

I viciously shook my head, "No. The party I met you at was my first and last party party."

"Party party?" Bethany asked.

"It's not important, just no more parties."

"Ladies is there something you want to share with the class?"

I looked up to see the teacher staring at Beth and I, and the class staring at us too, waiting for a response. I just shook my head and shrunk back down in my seat.

"Good. Now be quiet." With that said the class turned back towards the board.

That didn't stop Beth from leaning over and whispering into my ear, "Clark will be there."

I snapped my head up at her, she was giving me a knowingly look. A look that said "Yeah bitch I know you like him and he's going to be at the party so I know you're coming with me". And she was right.

I smiled and turned towards the board to catch Asher staring at me from the corner of my eye. When I turned my head to look, he turned towards the board. By the look on his face he did seem really disappointed.
(A/N) - I added a pic of Aubrey, bethany, and Madison!!! Let me know what you think & picture them as you please !

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