9 - Moody and His Friend

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The bright light called the sun shinned through the curtains in my room. I groaned at this and flipped over, only to fall off my bed.

Odd... I don't remember my bed being this small. I huffed and sat up taking in my surroundings. That's when I noticed it- I wasn't in my room.

I was in some plain room. By the looks of scattered boy clothes on the floor I assume some guys. Like any normal girl who woke up in some random guy's room- I started screaming on the top of my lungs.

The door to the room flung open, and I screamed even louder.

"Jesus Christ, you can scream. Would you hush?" The male screamed over top of my screaming.

I scooted across the room to get away from this man as I shouted, "Who are you?"

The stranger slapped himself in the face before yelling, "I'm Asher's friend!"

I stopped screaming and looked around the room. I had find something of Asher's to make sure this guy was telling the truth. I noticed a single picture frame in the entire room. In it was Asher, and what looked to be the guy in front of me.

I looked between the guy and the picture frame. Yep that's him.

I stood up from the ground and raised an eyebrow at the guy, "Who are you? Where am I?"

He chuckled, I continued to stare at him. I don't understand what he thinks is so funny.

The guy stopped laughing, "Oh you're serious?"

I continued to stare at him.

"OK calm down. I'm Grayson, Asher's best friend. This is Asher's room you're in. Do you not remember anything from last night?"

I sat there for a minute taking in this information. Grayson, Asher's best friend. Why had Asher never mention him before? We aren't close by any means, but why hadn't I seen them together? And last night... all I remember is Clark and- Madison.

Suddenly I felt a cold single tear stream down my warm cheek. I wiped it away, but that didn't stop the waterfall that followed it.

My mind started to overthink everything. I felt so betrayed, and stupid. Stupid for believing someone took an interest in me. Stupid for believing I had a real, good friend, that I'd have forever. Above all I felt so betrayed by the two most important people in my life. Clark wasn't the most important, but I had planned on him becoming one.

I'd be lying if I said didn't have dreams about Clark and me. I dreamt of dates we would have, and days apart we have. Moments when we were upset with each other, but we'd always find our way back. Because he was that guy. The perfect guy. Clark was the guy I always dreamed I'd be with someday. I thought that someday had finally come. Of course, I was wrong. I hated being wrong.

I fell back on the bed and continued to let out all my tears. Grayson rushed to my side trying his best to comfort me, but I could tell he was uncomfortable.

I wiped my tears and whispered, "I'm sorry."

Grayson gave me an understanding smile and asked, "Do you want a hug?"

I sniffled, "No."

He looked at me for a couple seconds before wrapping me in his arms and saying, "I think you do."

Any other day I would be completely not ok with some stranger hugging me while I cry, but not today, not right now.

I laid in Grayson's embrace until I was out of tears.

"Thank you, Grayson."

"You're welcome Aubrey."

I raised my eyebrow, "How do you know my name?"

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