7 - She's Right

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I stood up, my mouth gapping wide open.

"Dude what the hell?" Clark yelled taking in the scene in front of him.

Asher of course ignored him and proceeded to ask, "So you two? Are you like a thing now?"

I looked up at him giving him a glare. Did he seriously not care that he spilled water all fucking over me? Or was he too self absorbed to notice.

I slapped my wet hands down to my side, "Why does it matter to you?"

Asher shifted uncomfortably while muttering something along the lines of, "it doesn't."

Clark walked over to me comfortingly wrapping his arm around me and bending down to whisper if I wanted to leave. I quickly nodded and he led me out. I made sure to give Asher my best glare as I left.

"Ugh, he's so annoying." I groaned to Clark.

Clark laughed, "He can be a bit much."

"A bit much? How about a lot of bit much."

"That doesn't even make sense Aubrey." Clark laughed.

I huffed in annoyance. I didn't want to let Asher ruin my breakfast date with Clark...but it already had. I was ready to go lay in bed and sleep everything off.

Once we arrived at my house Clark got out and opened my door for me. I awkwardly scurried towards the front of my house. I just wanted to jump under some covers and hide from the world. Clark however stopped me.

"So I'll see you this weekend, right?" He asked me.

I nodded quickly, trying to head inside. As I turned back around to leave he spoke again.

"I know the date wasn't perfect, but I hope the next one will be."

A small smile popped up on my face as I waved goodbye and finally made my way inside my house. When I shut the door I realized there were two figures sitting on my couch.

"Bitch, we need details."

After explaining the, oh so perfect date, I finally reached the downfall of my date.

"Asher is such a dick Aub." Bethany remarked.

"Do I need to go punch him?" Asked Madison.

I giggled, "Girls it's ok because I didn't let it bother me. I didn't even tell you guys the best part yet."

The girls gasped, "It gets better?"

"Uh yes! Clark wants to take me out on another date!" I squealed.

Bethany and Madison pulled me up on the couch and bounced on it while squealing on the top of their lungs. I couldn't help but bounce and squeal myself. It felt as if everything was falling into place. I had waited so long for this moment in my life, and I was finally about to reach it.

Of course my life didn't just stop after that kind of awesome date with Clark, sadly. I still had to attend school and count down the days until that party.

The week at school was bland and nothing exciting happened. I woke up, went to school, came home, did homework and ate, then went to sleep just to repeat the cycle once again. Yet today was Friday and I couldn't be more excited to go to school and get the day over with so I could see Clark.

At school on Friday was same old same old. Of course this was until English class. Also my last class of the day.

"Hey girly. You going to that party at Clark's tomorrow?" My platinum blonde friend asked me.

I had to admit, Bethany was starting to grow on me. I know I had just met her a little over a week ago- but she has really been there for me. She's a little air head sometimes, but she's still smart, sassy, and funny. I guess something good came from that party, besides Clark of course.

I rolled my eyes and smiled at Beth before replying, "Beth I already told you Clark invited me when we were having our breakfast date."

Beth face palmed herself, "Oh duh! Well just be careful. I don't want my best friend getting her heart broken."

I shook my head, "Clark would never do that. He's not like that."

"Don't get so defensive. All I'm saying is I don't want to break a nail on that boy."

"Yeah, sorry." I apologized to Beth.

I glanced away from Beth to see what was happening in the class. I made eye contact with those shit brown eyes across the classroom. I looked away, only to look back to see if he was still looking at me. And of course Asher was. I raised my eyebrow, questioning why he was staring, or should I say rather glaring, at me. But he just looked away and focused his attention on the board. I figured I should do the same.

The bell rang, snapping me out of my thoughts. I got up and started to walk out the door as I felt a warm hand wrap around my wrist twisting me around. I was face to face with Asher.

"She's right. Don't trust him." Asher stated before taking off down the crowded hall.

I stood there as the class piled out of the room. I was confused as to what Asher was talking about. It seemed Asher knew something, but he didn't want to tell me or he would've stuck around. Why did Asher even care what I was getting myself into? Better yet why was he listening to my conversation?

I rolled my eyes and left the school. I had a lot of planning to do for my appearance on Saturday night.


(A/N) - If you're reading this thanks so much for supporting me :) Hope you enjoy!

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