8 - A Knife in My Back

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A ring was heard at my door. I hopped my way down the steps and opened the front door to my favorite blonde.

"Hey Beth. Where's Madison?" I asked Bethany.

"She told me she wasn't feeling well and is going to stay home. I thought she told you too?"

I shook my head, "Nope. I haven't really heard from her this week."

I shifted around uncomfortably. Why was Madison contacting Bethany and not me? Did I do something? We'd been friends for so long it's odd for her to just drop out of nowhere like this. Beth noticed how I felt and hugged me.

"I'm sure it's nothing. Come on let's go get ready."

I did Bethany's makeup as well as my own, and she picked out our outfits. My outfit consisted of one of a thick strapped white cropped tank and light washed ripped denim jeans. Beth wore a striped shirt and ripped jeans. Feeling beautiful and confident as hell we left for Clark's party.

The whole ride there I thought about what Beth and Asher had said to me the day before. I wanted to tell Bethany about Asher too- but I couldn't. I didn't know what it meant, or what he meant. Honestly I'm not sure if I want to know.

We pulled up in front of the familiar large house. The ground still shook, and red solo cups were scattered all over again. This time felt different. I had arrived with a new friend, I knew people at the party, and I had a boy who had asked me to be there- as his date.

I walked into the backyard with Beth, when a tall figure stood in my path.

"Hey beautiful, I've been waiting for you." Clark said rubbing my cheek.

I put my head down, smiling and blushing at the ground.

"Well, I'll leave you two kids alone." Bethany stated before taking off somewhere.

"Want a drink?" Clark asked me.

Bethany's rule ran through my head, "Don't take a drink from someone else." But Clark wasn't like that. I could trust him.

I nodded my head yes, and he told me he'd be right back and not to move. So, I awkwardly stood among a crowd of teens who were having way more fun than I was.

"Hey Aub, looking good. Say, where is your date?" An annoying Asher questioned.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, trying to ignore his presence. But he just kept peaking his head in front of me saying, "Hello? Anyone there?"

"Gosh Asher, Clark is off getting me a drink. Now will you leave me alone?" I snapped at Asher.

Asher stepped back holding up his hands like I accused him of something he didn't do. He mumbled something under his breath before turning away. He confuses me sometimes. One minute Asher is all playful with sparkles in his poop brown eyes, and the next he is being insensitive towards me and walking away. Asher is such a frustrating human being

I shook my head to get out of my thoughts- but it wasn't effective. I figured I should be doing something. I looked around trying to find my date. Yet he was nowhere to be found. Even more frustrated and annoyed I left to find Clark.

After walking through the whole backyard, and inside the house, I figure I had been stood up. I decided to find a quiet place to call Beth and leave this shit hole.

After having a couple drinks first, of course.

Having those drinks made me realize, I didn't check every place after all. I didn't go upstairs. It was Clark's house after all. I stumbled my way up the stairs.

I checked every bedroom, all filled with disgusting drunk teens. Until I got to the one at the end of the hall. I was about to open the door when Asher appeared again by my side.

"Shouldn't you at least ask me on a date first?" Asher jokingly said to me.

I rolled my eyes before peeking open the door. Inside the room it was dark. I flipped on light switch and heard a shriek. An all too familiar shriek. A shriek I had grown up with.

I slammed open the door, to find Madison trying to hide beneath the sheets of Clark's bed, and her pushing him off the bed.

I lost all feeling in my body. I felt my finger tips numb, as if all feeling in them evaporated into thin air. My fingers lay useless on top of the door knob. My arms felt lifeless, the only sense was the blood ragging through my veins. My legs had disappeared; I felt as if I was floating on a cloud. But my head, it stung with pain. And my jaw, clenched. As fore my eyes, they burned with anger, and betrayal.

It felt as if a lifetime had passed before Clark turned around to see me and breathed out, "Aubrey."

Asher pushed his way in front of me. His eyebrows furrowed and I know he was screaming because I saw the veins popping out of his neck.

But I didn't hear him- or any of them, because a sharp ringing rang through my ears as my head pounded. My eyes- too focused on the scene in front of me. My mind raced as it tried to piece together how this could have happened. How could Madison have done this to me? How could she have lied to me? How long has she been lying to me?

And Clark. Clark asked me out on a date. Clark invited me here. Clark had even hinted on taking me out on another date. Clark made it seem he went out of his way for me. Yet I find him in bed with my best friend. Well make that ex- best friend.

I tried to snap out of my thoughts as I saw Madison and Clark's lips moving, but all I heard was a loud ringing in my ear. I saw Asher moving closer to Clark. I have to get out of here.

My feet moved on their own, walking out the room and down some steps. My hands felt tingly, and so I balled my hand into fits, so hard I felt my knuckles pop out of place.
So many thoughts raced through my head, but none made any sense. I was stuck in a daze, and I hope it lasted long enough for me to get home because if it didn't there would be blood on Clark's fancy ass carpets.

I grabbed my throbbing head. This is all too much to handle, especially while drunk. I was about to pass through the door of the Asshole's house until a warm hand stopped me.

"Are you ok? Do you need me to take you somewhere?"

Then everything went black.


A/N - Woah what the heck is with Madison?? And Clark?? Comment how you feel about this chapter! Make sure to vote :) & put this book in ya library so you can see every time is updated. And or follow me to be notified when it's updated. See ya next time!

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