10 - All Alone

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(A/N) - Hey guys! Sorry I've been missing I've had a little writer's block. This chapter is a bit short but ENJOY!! :)


I rolled and flopped around in my bed; dreading to leave it. I wasn't prepared to start my day, or any day for the rest of my life. I don't want to face my problems...yet I know I must.

Groaning- I hopped out of my bed. Yanking a plain shirt out of my closet and throwing a pair of regular jeans on I got ready to go to school.

I wasn't sure if I was ready to face Madison or Clark. I knew I would have to face them at some point, right? Thinking- I wandered through the halls, not caring that I'd be late to first.

Everyone stared at me as I walked, and I mean everyone. I got glances and glares, whispers, and stares. You'd think I murdered someone or something with the way everyone was glaring at me.

That's when I heard it, "That's the newest girl to get played by Clark?", and, "Did you here she caught Clark with her best friend?"

The whole school knew what had happened this weekend. Everything that had happened between Clark and I, to Clark, Madison, and I, to Asher and me. I was being called a slut for moving from Clark to Asher so fast. Talk about gross. Madison was being called a whore and a backstabber. I agreed with one of those.

Clark however, still claimed his spotless reputation as a hot, smart, jock that everyone wanted.

Honestly, I have no idea why everyone is so worried about me and my business. Obviously, they had nothing better to do but gossip and be involved in other people's lives.

I rolled my eyes and ignored the pity glances as I went about my day. I couldn't focus in any class, but it didn't matter because the teachers ignored me to give me, "space".

As I finally sat down in my last class of the day I realized I had gone through the whole day alone. I avoided seeing Madison and Clark, as well as everyone else in this school.

I started relaxing back when Bethany suddenly grabbed my hand and held it in hers. I looked up at her and she gave me a soft smile.

"Everything's going to be ok."

I took my hand back and said a quick, "thanks".

I kept my head down the whole class, twiddling my thumbs. I only peaked up a couple times to look at the board. My neck was starting to cramp so I rolled my head around and caught Asher looking over at me.

I gave a slight smile before looking back down. I still wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, especially Asher. His moods gave me whiplash, and I wasn't going to deal with that today.

As I started to doze off the bell rang signaling the end of the day. Everyone stood up and pushed their chairs in running towards the door.

All except one, Asher.

He stood over top of me, swinging my bookbag onto his shoulder. Standing up I pushed in my chair and waited for Asher to speak.

"Hey beautiful." Asher smirked at me.

I rolled my eyes and tried to rip my bookbag from him, but he grabbed my hand. Seconds passed and he still held onto my hand. As he looked into my eyes I ripped my hand back.

"Anyway... I was hoping that you'd be available tonight to hang out."

"Yes." I spat all too quickly.

Asher raised an eyebrow at me. I rolled my eyes and started walking out the door. I was ready to go home and crawl under my sheets.

"Wait up Aub! If it's too much you don't have to hang out with me." Asher shouted chasing after me.

"We're smoking." I stated as I walked down the steps.

Asher stopped in his tracks, "Aubrey..."

I spun around, "What Asher?! Is there a problem?!" I practically screamed.

Asher stood there gaping at me. Honestly, I couldn't believe what I was doing myself. I knew I was taking all my anger out on him, but I didn't care. Besides, Asher usually does the same to me.

"Aub..." Asher calmly replied walking slowly towards me, "You've never smoked before, are you sure you want to?"

Yes, no, Maybe? I didn't know what I wanted right now. All I know is I wanted to escape. I wanted to forget about all the events that had happened in the past couple days.

"Tell you what, we can hang out and if you decide you want to then we'll go from there."

I crossed my arms and nodded. It sounded like a good idea.

"I'll pick you up at 8, ok?" He asked giving me my backpack back.

"Ok." I lightly spoke.

Asher gave me a small smile and turned on his heel, heading out the school.

And I was left all alone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2017 ⏰

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