Meeting Him

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Today is my first day at my new job. I work at a music label. My name is Hannah, I'm 22 years old and I'm going to college in Los Angeles studying music. The Fall semester hasn't even started yet, but I thought I would just get settled in after moving from San Francisco. Music is a huge part of my life and it always has been; I'm always writing,singing, or just messing around on the guitar. My parents always wanted me to do something other than music, but of course being as stubborn as I am, I wanted to make my own decisions. 

I took my seat behind the front desk calling in appointments and keeping track of my bosses schedule. Being a secretary isn't my idea of a great job but at least I get to be employed by one of the largest labels around. The office is beautiful; granite counters, dark cherry wood flooring, and dark furniture lined the walls in the waiting room. I'm glad I'm finally doing something productive. I hear footsteps as my boss walks in.

"Hey there Mr. Davenport, I just finished inputting all of this weeks appointments into your calendar." I stated.

"Thanks Hannah! I needed to talk to you because I have another very important meeting I need you to schedule for noon." He replied swiftly.

"Of course, I'll input that right away. May I ask who it is?"

"His name is Austin." He stated with a small smile.

I turned to my computer and put the appointment in. I grabbed all of the papers that were sitting unorganized on my desk and took them into the file room behind my office. 

"This is going to take forever!" I muttered under my breath.

I quickly started getting to work and putting all the files into their designated folder, and 45 minutes later I was finished. I went back out to my desk just in time to see someone standing around waiting. It must be Austin I thought to myself. Wow he is abosultely gorgeous with his long, lanky figure and light brown eyes. I couldnt help but just stand and stare for a breif moment. 

"H-h-hi there." I stuttered.

"Hey! I was wondering if this place was deserted!" He smiled and chuckled. "I'm Austin Carlile." 

I smiled, "Oh! Of course you are. I'll let Mr. Davenport know you're here." 

"Thanks." He replied as he took a seat of one of the dark leather chairs.

AUSTIN: I was late. I jumped out of bed and took a quick shower. I styled my hair and decided on some black skinny jeans with a slipknot tank top. I put on my black converse quickly and grabbed my wallet and sunglasses. 

"Shit, I forgot my keys!" I yelled.

I ran back and and grabbed them; got into my car and started driving to the labels office downtown. I glanced at the clock, drumming my hands on the steering wheel. I had 10 minutes. As soon as I found a place to park, I grabbed my folder and headed into the lobby of the large building. I stopped in front of the desk looking for the secretary just as a girl came through the door to the desk. She was gorgeous! She was tall and thin with long black-red hair and a pale complexion. She just stared at my for the slightest of moments.

"H-h- hi there." She stuttered as she shifted her weight.

I told her who I was and sat down. I kept glancing at her and I think she started to notice after a while, but I didn't care. When we locked eyes I just flashed her a toothy grin. It wasn't long after that she said I could go in. I thanked her and took a few quick strides into his office and closed the door behind me, still having that goofy smile on my face.

HANNAH: Wow! He is so handsome. I felt like he was flirting with me using his eyes, but nah why would he? I'm just the secretary. His smile just melted me. It wasn't long before the door to Mr. Davenport's office opend and the tall man known as Austin came into the lobby.

"Have a good day Mr. Carlile." I said as he walked past me.

He stopped and turned towards me, " You can call me Austin, and you too... I didn't quite catch your name before."

"I'm Hannah." I gave him a warm smile and started blusing profusely.

"...Hannah." He finished his sentence and flashed my that amazing smile again.

AUSTIN: I left the office and headed down to my car. It was only 3 in the afternoon so I decided to go to my friend Alan's house. As I was driving there I couldn't stop thinking about Hannah. She had an amazing smile, and she was pretty cute. As I pulled into the driveway I saw Alan come out of the house and he waved at me. I opened my door and got out to hug him.

"Hey austin! How's it going?" He beamed at me.

"Not too bad, I just talked to the label making plans for Warped Tour this next summer!" I said enthusiasticly.

"Wow, that's super rad! We better tell Tino and Phil and Aaron."

"Yeah we will, lets get some beers first!" I said.

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