Ch. 6 Why?

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WARNING: there will be sexual content in this book.

AUSTIN: Hannah goes to get another drink and withing minutes a tall, thin, blonde girl comes up to me and starts grinding on me. That exact moment was the moment I saw Hannah's heart break into a million pieces. I pushed the mystery blonde off of me and ran towards Hannah, but when I got to the spot where she had stood a few seconds previously, she was long gone. My head was spinning with emotions; fear, pain, uncertainty. I NEEDED to find her and explain. I couldn't hear the music or anything for that matter, I was in my own little world. I looked towards the back door just as it was closing. I ran towards the door and what I saw just broke me. A man was standing over her. He was running his hands down her arms and she yelled out. I sprinted as fast as my long legs would allow and tackled him to the ground. I started beating him. I was seeing red and felt weak arms try to pull me back and I gave in. Those arms belonged to Hannah. The man was the bartender from earlier in the night. It made me so sick. He just ran back into the club. I wrapped my arms around her for a long moment. She suddleny pushed me off of her with shaking hands. Tears began to form in her eyes as rememberance struck her. She leaned her back against the wall and slid down. There was a long moment of silence until I sat down next to her.

"I know this sounds stupid, but It really isn't what it seems." I said quietly hoping she wouldn't leave. "As soon as you left to get drinks this girl just started dancing on me and you came at that exact moment, I didn't even have time to push her away. I'm sorry babe." She didnt say anything for a long moment, but she grabbed my hand in hers and leaned against my shoulder. "I'm sorry for overreacting." She finally said. I kissed the top of her head and got up offering her my hand. "Well shall we go home my lady?"

"Sure." She smiled and grabbed my hand. "I'll just have to go tell the guys, but you'll be able to hang out with them more." I told her as I led her into the building and spotted the guys sitting in the lounge section. We walked over to them quickly, "Hey, Hannah and I are going to head home, but I'll see you guys tomorrow at practice." They got up and one by one hugged Hannah saying their goodbyes. "It was great meeting you guys." She said. I pulled her away and we headed out the exit to the car. "I hope they're okay with getting a cab." I laughed. She smiled at me and laughed. She plugged her phone into the speakers and played some A Day To Remember. She started singing along and this was the most perfect moment. "You have such a beautiful voice darling." She looked up and then looked away quickly, "Thank you." 

"Do you want to spend the night at my house?" She asked. I grabbed her hand, "Sure." So i drove to her house and pulled up to the curb behind her car. I truned the car off and looked over at her. "I'm really sorry that tonight didn't end up like we had planned..." I stated. "It's okay. I actually had a lot of fun." She kissed me and started pulling my hair gently, I let a quiet moan escape my lips. I could feel her lips forming into a smirk. She ran her hands down my chest and back up to my neck never leaving my lips. I gently pulled away and cupped her face in my hand stroking her cheek with my thumb. "You're amazing." She blushed and pecked my lips before openeding her door. I followed in suit and got out to start heading to her door. She opened the door and turned on the lights only to see her roomate and a guy naked on the couch. "Oh." She said. Molly looked up petrified and covering herself with clothing. "Wow, I'm sorry." She and the mysterious guy ran into her bedroom and slammed the door. "Well then." Hannah turned to me laughing. I smiled at her and she led me into her room. Her room was actually really cool. It had blood red walls with white bed spread and black rugs on the wood floor. She had a vanity that was black and a white bench in front of it. There was black and white poster on her walls, some of marilyn monroe and others just band posters. There was a bathroom connected to her room and it was painted black with white trim. She started taking her clothes off to get ready for bed. "Um, I can wait outside..." She looked at me not stopping what she was doing, "You're fine love. It's not like you'll never see me anyways." She winked at me as she looked for her pajamas only wearing red lace booty shorts and nothing else. I gasped. "Wow." Her body was amazing. She had beautidul curves and tattoos on her thighs. She came over to me where I was sitting on the edge of her bed and straddled me with one knee on each side of my legs. She smiled and pressed her soft lips to mine gently before pulling away. "I'm ready." She stated. "Are you sure?" as if to answer my questions she pressed her lips to mine again and pushed me back on the bed so that she was hovering over me. 

Her bare breasts were exposed so I gently took them in my hands and massaged them. I reached my hand around her neck to pull her lips back to mine and I flipped her over so that I was on top. I made a trail of little kisses down her neck and stomach until she pulled me by the hair back up and started to take my shirt off. She threw it to the floor and ran her open-palmed hands down my chest and stomach gasping. I leaned down to whisper in her ear, "You like this?" She developed goosebumps all over her body and I was satisfied. She tampered with my belt and took of my jeans and boxers leaving me fully exposed to her eyes. "No fair! You still get to wear your underwear!." I growled in her ear and started too slip them off until they were in the pile of clothes. She pushed me off so that her head was in between my legs and she began to suck on the tip gently and pumping her hands in rythym. It felt so good and I let out a moan and threw my head back. I was getting close so I gently and reluctantly pushed her away. "Tonight is all about you darling." I said breathlessly as I lifted her up into my lap so she straddled me batween her knees and kissed her. I ran my hand through her hair while she places kisses on my neck sometimes sucking on my sweet spot making me moan. I couldn't take it anymore. I positioned her on top of me and I gently pushed into her. She gasped and then moaned. "Oh, Austin..."  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2014 ⏰

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