Ch. 5 The Boys cont.

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HANNAH: Me and Austin were driving to Alan's house which wasn't too far. I'm actually really excited to meet the band, but pretty nervous too... What if I'm not good enough? I didn't have time to dwell on this because we were already pulling into the driveway. He stopped the car and smiled at me.

"It'll be fine!" He said when he grabbed my hand. He let go and we got out of the car. "I hope so." We walked up the path and knocked on the door. As soon as we did it was being pulled open.

"HEY!" A ginger said. That must be Alan. He pulled me and Austin into a hug. "And you must be Hannah." He smiled. "Hey guys Austin and Hannah are here!" He yelled into the house and stepped aside so we could come in. Three other guys walked into the living room to greet us. 

"This is Tino, Phil, and Aaron." Austin said pointing to each guy. 

"Hey." I said shyly and smiled. Tino looked at Austin and said, "So what do you guys want to do. It's only 6:30."

"We could go get some sushi, and then go out for drinks!" Austin said as we sat on the leather couch.

Alan came over and stood in our veiw. "Sure! That sounds super rad." 

"How does that sound to you babe?" austin turned towards me and smiled.

"It sounds fun, let's do it!" I was excited to get out and do something since work had been taking up a lot of my time. We all got up and went to the car. Austin opened my door before getting into the drivers seat, and Alan, Phil, Tino, and Aaron sat in the back. I put on some music. 

"I love the Deftones! Austin and Alan said in unison.

"This girl is a keeper Austin!" Alan said. I blushed and Austin smiled and said, "I know."

We pulled into the sushi place which wasn't that far and everybody got out and headed into the large restraunt. It was a cool place that had a large sushi bar which we sat down at. A employee behind the bar smiled and handed us all a menu.

"What're you getting babe?" I asked Austin. "I think I'll get some salmon rolls, what about you?" I looked down at the menu. I wasn't really sure what I wanted, being vegetarian can be hard at a sushi place. "I'm not sure." The waiter came over to take our orders and he started to take Tino's order. "I'll have some fried rice and crab rolls." Alan was next."Um, what He's having" He pointed to Tino. phil and Aaron order california rolls and then it was my turn. "Uh- I'll have a california roll and rice." I said.

"Sure." The waiter smiled and winked at me. "Did you see that?" Alan said annoyed. "See what?" I was confused. "He was flirting with you." Austin mumbled. "No! I'm sure he was just being nice." I defended, "Besides I already have a boyfriend." I winked at Austin. "Oh who's that?" He smiled innocently. I bumped my elbow into his bicep. 

"So Hannah, how did you two meet?" Phil said.

"Oh I work for the label that manages Of Mice and he just walked in one day." I laughed. "Oh so you're the girl Austin couldn't shut up about." Tino laughed and Austin kicked his shin under the table. "Ow!" Alan got up to go to the restroom and I had a great idea. "We should put wasabi in Alan's sushi!" I said to the guys. Austin looked at me and nodded his head in agreement, "Yeah let's do it." I grabbed the chopsticks off of Alan's plate and started loading the remaining rolls with wasabi. I had just finished as we saw Alan heading our way. "SHHHH!" I said to the guys. He sat down and looked around the table, "Why's everyone so quiet?" He shrugged his shoulders and took a bite out of his sushi. His eyes lit up and his cheeks got rosy. "WHY IS THIS SO HOT?!" He yelled as he was gulping down ice water. We all burst out laughing. He gave Austin the evil eye so Austin just pointed to me. "Wow, thanks Austin. Throwing me under the bus I see." Aaron looked at Alan and laughed, "That was a good one Han!" He said and gave me a high-five. 

"I'm sorry Alan." I hugged him. "It's okay but I'll get you back!" Alan teased.

We paid the bill and headed out to the car. Austin opened my door and went around to the driver seat. "Where to?" He said. "Um I know this really awesome club we can go to. It's not too far." I told him. We drove off and I gave him directions until we pulled up in front of the place. We all got out and walked into the dark, noisy atmosphere. Austin grabbed my hand and the guys went to the bar. He smiled that heart-warming smile and pecked me on the lips. "Can I get you a drink my lady?" He asked. "Yes, I'd like that." He led me to the bar where a guy in his mid-twenties was bartending. "What can I get ya?" Austin answered, "Two rum and cokes." The man behind the counter made our drinks and handed them to us. "Thank you." I told Austin. I looked around forthe guys as me and austin made our way to the dance floor, but I couldnt seem to find them. He wrapped his long arms around me and we started dancing in sync. I was already feeling the alcohol kick in, but I wanted another drink so I went to the bar and ordered vodka-cranberry. "Is that your boyfriend?" The bartender asked. "Yup, he is." I said popping the p. "Well He's a lucky man." i thanked him for my drink and started heading back to where I left Austin. He was finally in my line of site but there was also a blonde girl dancing on him. I stopped dead in my tracks and tears started to well up in my eyes.

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