Ch. 2 I Need To Know Her

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AUSTIN: This was actually going pretty well I thought. She seemed to be having a great time. I glanced over at her while we were driving. I was going to surprise her.

"It's not too much further." I said. "Do you wanna play some music?" 

"Sure." She replied as she looked through my CD's and decided on some slipknot. 

"Great choice." I smiled at her as the sounds of music flowed through my speakers.

I was just pulling up into a parking lot. I got out of the car and opened the door grabbing her hand to help her out. I took her to a beautiful lake.

"You can see the stars really well out here." I pointed towards the dark sky that sparkled with stars.

"It's beautiful." She gasped.

I grabbed her hand in mine and lead her to a grassy area somewhat near the lake. I sat down pulling her down with me. We sat in silence for a few moments and she shivered. 

"Are you cold?" I whispered.

"Haha just a little bit." She said smiling.

"Here..." I wrapped my jacket around her shoulders.

"Thank you Austin." 

We just looked at the stars and pointed out different constellations to eachother. It was so perfect. Some time had passed and I looked at my phone realizing it was already midnight.

"Hey, it's getting late. I should probably take you home love." I spoke softly.

"Sure." She smiled up at me as I helped her to her feet.

We got into the car and I drove her backto her apartment. I walked her up to the door.

"I had a really great time tonight." She said as her cheeks were turning bright red.

"Me too, we should go out again sometime." 

I leaned down to ask "May I?" All I got in response was mmhmm, so I gently kissed her on her soft lips. I smiled as she gave me her number and said thank you.

 1 MONTH LATER****************************

HANNAH: I looked down as my phone buzzed . Austin.

AUSTIN: I can't wait to see you tonight. :)

Me and him had been seeing eachother for the past month. It has been great. I've also been seeing this guy named Tim. I met him at the mall. He's tall and has long black hair with slender legs. He has a septum piercing as well as a couple tattoos. 

I was sitting in bed when I heard the front door knock so I got up to answer it.

"Hi Tim!" I said as I pulled him in for a hug.

"Hey gorgeous." He smiled.

"What're you doing here? I thought we were going out tomorrow after work?" 

"I just wanted to stop by to give you some flowers.... Daisys. You're favorite." 

"Aw, thank you darling."

"No problem. I have to get going to work so I'll see you later." He said as he kissed me good-bye.

Ugh. I really like Austin, but I do like Tim a lot too. It's not like I'm exclusive with anyone though. I put the flowers in water on my nightstand.  I needed to get ready for the day, but I was watching Netflix all day long. I decided now or never and got into the shower. I got out and put black skinny jeans with vans and a flowy white top. I straightned my long hair and did my makeup.

My phone buzzed on the counter.

AUSTIN: Hey love, I'm heading over to your place now! See ya soon.

I finished getting ready and brushed my teeth. I cleaned up my room a little bit since I hadn't bothered to clean for a few days. I heard footsteps in my house. Molly had left an hour ago. i grabbed a lamp in case I had to attack someone. I gently opened my door and to my surprise someone was already turning the handle as I yanked it open and scremed.

"OH MY GOD! HANNAH!" Austin shouted. "What are you doing?!"

I let out a sigh of relief. "I thought I was alone, and I heard noises! I didn't know." I said quickly.

He started laughing histerically. "IT'S NOT FUNNY!" I said playfully.

"I'm sorry darling. You need to learn to lock your doors though." He swooped me up so that my legs wraped wround his waist and smiled. I kissed him on the nose just before he set me down. I looked up into his eyes and kissed him. At first it was gentle but then it became passionate. He backed me onto the bed so that he was on top of me still kissing me hard. He paused for a second looking at my nightstand.

"Who are those from?" He asked with a hint of anger.

"Well... They're from this guy named Tim. We are somewhat seeing eachother." I said careful of my word choice.

His eyes fell and he sat up."I didn't know you were seeing anyone else."

"I know, but we have never established anything so I don't see why you're upset." I replied. I saw his eyes sadden much more at the mention of that. "I'm Sor-"

"No, I'm sorry. I should tell you how I feel." He cut me off. "I really like you Hanna. More than you know." He pulled my hands into his and looked at me hopefully.

"And I like you so much Austin."I said.

"Will you be my girlfriend, darling?" He said squeezing my hand gently.

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