Ch. 3 The Choice

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HANNAH: I was surprised by what Austin had just asked me. We havent known eachother that long, and I've been hurt way too many times. I'm not sure this is a good idea. He just kept staring at me as I processed what was happening. What if he is just like all the other guys? They all left me. I can't be hurt again, but what if I never take risks? I'll just live with not knowing what coulv'e happened. I gaze into his brown eyes that were looking distressed and worried.

"A-austin, uh I don't know what to say." I finally answer. His lips turn into a deep frown and he has a look of confusion on his face. 

"I'm sorry. I-uh shouldn't have asked. Look I should be going." He said as he stood up and headed for the door.

"Wait!" I yelled. He stood there for a brief moment as if he was debating on turning around or not. He slowly turned around and sat next to me on my bed. I noticed his eyes were glossy.

"I'm sorry. I really like you Austin. From the moment I met you, but I have just been hurt so much it's hard for me to let anyone in..." I said. He gently put my hands in his and squeezed. 

"I'm not like everyone else Hannah... I want to make this work. You know I would never hurt you, don't you?"

I looked up at him and smiled. "Yeah, I know that."

"Good. Just let me know when you have an answer, darling." He said as he ran his thumb across my cheek. "You ready to go out?" He smiled.


HANNAH: I think I'm ready to tell Austin my final answer. I want Austin to stay in my life. I don't want to lose him. I'm going to say yes. It looks like I need to end things with Tim. I pick up my phone and sigh deeply.

ME: Hey Tim, I need to talk to you about something.

Tim: What is it dear?

ME: I don't know any easy way to say this, but I don't think this is working out.

TIM: What isn't working out? :c

ME: Us. Me and you. I'm sorry.


I sit there staring at my phone. I didn't deserve any of this! We weren't even serious at all, just having fun. I can't believe he could get so angry.... He aslways seemed like the nice reliable guy, not the angry, unpredictable type. I'm glad I realized this sooner than later. I need to call Austin.

Phone Call:

Hannah: Hey there Austin.

Austin: Hi darling. How are you?

Hannah: I'm doing okay, do you want to hang out?

Austin: Sure, where do you wanna go?

Hannah: I'm not really sure... Uh- wherever you want to I guess.

Austin: Is everything okay?

Hannah: Um I don't really know. Pick me up in an hour?

Austin: Sure.


AUSTIN: She sounded really upset. I couldn't help but think I made her feel that way. Hearing her voice that way saddened me. Well I should pick her up soon. I plan on bringing her back to my house for a romantic dinner. She hasn't even been here yet! I got off the couch and headed upstairs into my room to get ready. I put the clothes I was going to wear on my bed and headed to the shower in my bathroom. I turned the water on and stripped. Stepping into the shower I let the hot water run down my body. I got out and dried my body. I put my clothes on and did my hair. Grabbing my sunglasses and keys, I headed out. The drive was only about 15 minutes so it wasn't that bad. I pulled in front of the small apartment just as her roomate was leaving. 

"Hi Austin!" Molly said with a wink.

"Uh, hey Molly. How're you?" 

"Pretty good now that I get to see your handsome face." She replied with a smile.

I started to blush slighty. "Haha. That's good. Well I'll see you later."

Why was I blushing. I had feelings for Hannah. Major feelings. That couldn't be changed. I walked up to the door and knocked. Hannah opened the door and smiled at me. She is so beautiful. Her dark red hair was but into a loose bun and she was wearing a floral dress with combat boots.

"Hey." I whispered as I hugged her tightly.

"Hi." She smiled brightly.

I grabbed her hand and led her to the car. "We're going someplace special tonight." I winked at her. A look of worry registered on her face.

"Uhm-hmp." She said quietly.

I got into the drivers seat and started to drive to my house. I grabbed her hand assuringly and smiled while we talked.

*********************AT AUSTIN'S HOUSE*********************

We got to my house and walked up the driveway.

"Is this where we're going?" She asked questionably.

"Yes! You haven't been to my house yet and I wanted to make you dinner." Her face lit up as I said that.

"Aw, you're so sweet!" She kissed my nose. We entered my house and she stared around in awe. "T-t-this is your house?"

"Yeah it is." I laughed.

"It's so big!" She exclaimed.

"THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!" I yelled as she started laughing and making a pouty face. I held her face in my hand and bit down on my lower lip. She looked into my eyes expectantly. I leaned down and our lips met. It was a kiss filled with passion. I gently licked her bottom lip and she gave me permission to enter and our tongues were soon exploring each other's mouths. She stopped to catch her breath and I just started into her green eyes.

"You're amazing." She whispered into my ear and I could feel her warm breath. "Can I talk to you about something?"

I looked down at her and said, "Anything." She led me over to the couch and sat me down.

"I've made up my mind about the question you asked me." She said quietly."I want to be with you and only you." She looked at me and smiled. I was beyond happy she had picked to be mine.

"I'm glad." I said happily. I cupped my hand around her face and kissed her gently. I got up to make us dinner.

"I hope you like spaghetti!" I shouted.

******************************************************AFTER DINNER*******************

HANNAH: I had finally said yes to Austin and it felt like the right desicion. Everything felt like it was fianlly falling into place. Or so I thought. After dinner Austin looked tense.

"What's up?" I asked.

He sighed deeply, "I've been meaning to talk to you about this but I didn't know how to put it. I'm going on tour in a few months."

"Why um didn't you tell me sooner?" I'm shocked, just as everything falls into place it stars slipping away again.

"I never really found the right time. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but this doesn't change things between us. I'm still yours my darling." He rubbed my back in circles. 

I didn't know what to say so I just sat there as the reality sunk in. "How long is this tour Austin?"

"4 months." He smiled a sad smile.

"Oh. Well That's good for you." I didn't know how to respond to all of this new informtaion. "I should probably get home."

"Well if you want to, but I had a movie night planned for us." He said excitdely.

I laughed,"Okay I'll stay babe." I hugged him.

So the rest of the night was filled with star wars movies and cuddling. It was such a perfect night, except the fact that he would be leaving soon.

Glass Hearts: Austin Carlile love storyWhere stories live. Discover now