Ch. 1 Intro

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AUSTIN: It's been a couple of days since I met with Matt Davenport and laid eyes on his beautiful assistant. I had to know her. Maybe I should go back today. What if she doesn't remember me? Or worse, WHAT IF I JUST COME OFF AS CREEPY? Ugh. At least band pratice is occupying my time at the moment.

"Austin?" Alan said.

"Earth to AUSTIN!" Tino yelled and snapped me back into reality.

"Sorry guys I'm just thinking about stuff." I replied quickly. 

"What are you thinking about?" Aaron asked.

"Just this girl I met. She works as Matt's assistant in the lobby. I saw her the other day when I went in to meet with him."

"And why are you thinking about her?" Tino asked.

"I don't even know. We only said a few words to eachother, but I feel the need to know her. She is stunning. Should I go back there and talk to her?" I asked curiously.

"Duh! You totally should. What's her name?" Alan said excitedly.

"Hannah." I replied, a smile turning up the corners of my lips.

I decided I'm going to see her after practice. I hope it goes well. I put on my cologne and grabbed my leather jacket as I said my goodbyes to the boys. I got in my car and started heading to downtown in hopes that the office was still open. It was only 5 o'clock so they should be.

HANNAH: I still coudln't stop thinking about Austin. I didn't have a chance with him so I just tried to clear him from my mind as I was getting ready for work. It's saturday so my hours aren't as long which is great. Maybe Ill see him again I thought as I put my skinny jeans and combat boots on right before I slipped my black cami and cardigan on. I grabbed my keys and said goodbye to my roomate Molly. 

"Bye Molly! Have fun on your date with Bryan." I said and gave her a wink before I headed onto the street and into the seat of my small ford focus. I plugedmy Phone into the aux cable and started to drive to work as the sound of Covette flooded my speakers. I pulled up to the stop light and drummed my fingers on the steering wheel impatiently. Ugh I'm going to be late if this light doesn't hurry up. Fianlly Green. I was only a few streets away from the office. I turned the corner and sped into a parking space and started power-walking to the building. I heard a car pull in near me and someone get out hurridly running towards the building. AND BAM! I was knocked off my feet and the contents of my purse scattered on the pavement around me.

"Um excuse me." I said somewhat mad and stressed.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there!" A gruff voice said. And as I looked at his face my eyes went wide. Of course it had to be Austin.

"It's okay Mr. Carlile." I smiled as he helped me pick up my purse and it's belongings. He put his arm behind his neck and blushed looking somewhat embarassed.

"Oh, hi Hannah." He said shyly. "I was actually coming to see you."

"You were?" I said in a disbelieving tone. "Why?" I asked curiously.

"I- I'm not actually sure. I just couldn't stop thinking about you. I'd like to get to know you. I want you to go out with me toight." He beamed at me.

Well this was really awkward and strange but my stomach started to develope and unfimilair sensation. 

"Well I guess I could....." I said hesitently. "Why not. I get off at 9." I said more assuringly.

"Then it's a date.... Well I- uh If you want it to be." He said blushing.

"It's a date. Here's my address." I wrote my address on a slip of paper and handed it to him. "I have to hurry and get to work, but I'll see you later." I started walking away and waved back. Did I really just wave? Oh my. I let that go as I got into the lobby and Mr.D was standing there.

Glass Hearts: Austin Carlile love storyWhere stories live. Discover now