Chapter Thirty-Six~An Eye for an Eye

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*Angela's POV*

After Dean hangs up I put my head down on the table and groan. I had moved from my spot on the chair to sitting on the floor, then laying on the floor, and then finally laying down on top of the table. I had read so much my eyes had started to strain. It was hard to sleep without Dean last night. I'm restless and without any patience now that he's gone. I'm also irritated that it bothers me so much. I shut the book on Angels that I was reading and hop off the table.

"Cas!" I yell as loud as I want. "Oh, loyal friend Castiel!" Flapping of wings alerts me to his presence, but I still jump when he appears in front of me. "Cas!" I exclaim and wrap my arms around his stiff figure. He wraps an arm around my back and puts a hand on my head.

"Angela." He says in greeting. I give him one final squeeze and then let go. "Do you need something?" I nod.

"I'd like to go out and Dean said to call you to go with me. Sorry you were assigned babysitting duty." I smile slightly at him and shrug. He cocks his head slightly.

"That doesn't sound unpleasant." He says and I giggle.

"I'm glad, Cas. I'm going to grab some pants, but then I'll be ready to go." He looks at me kind of funny, but then again, it's Cas. I get ready to walk away but his hand on my arm makes me pause. I look at him and see his gaze on my calf, where the long knife is. I sigh and turn towards Cas again. His expression is disapproving and I wait for the speech he's bound to give.

"Angela." His deep voice chastises. "What are you doing with an angel blade?" I bite my lip and shrug.

"I thought it would be a good idea if I carried a weapon. Am I wrong?" I fib slightly and ask him a question to redirect the conversation.

"I suppose not." He gives in easily and I'm shocked. Then he reconsiders slightly, "But, if you don't know how to use it, then it can be dangerous." I bite my lip.

"What if you were to teach me a few things?" I ask slyly. "I've learned some motions from the books I've been reading, but later, after we get back from the store, you could teach me a few things." I raise an eyebrow at him. He takes a deep breath and seems slightly at war with himself.

"I suppose-" I give him a quick kiss on the cheek and yell a thanks as I head to the door and down the hallway.

I take off down the hallway and slide with my socks. I laugh out loud as I miss my door completely. I walk into my room and grab a pair of jeans. I slip them on and then quickly go to Sam's room. I find the cash inside two of Sam's socks. I grab the bundle and run back to where Cas is and slide right up to him. He watches me slide and grins.

"How do you do that?" He asks curiously. I look from him to my socks and then back again.

"Would you like to try?" I ask. His curious gaze turns apprehensive and I bite my lip to keep from laughing. "Here, hold on." I take the money out of the socks and put it on the table. "Okay, take your shoes off." He looks confused so I bend down and tug on his shoes. "Off!" He lifts his foot one at a time and I slip them off. His socks seem slippery enough; I stand back up and tug Cas into the hallway. "Okay, Cas. Here's what you do, you run as fast as you can and then you just slide." He looks at me quizzically. "Here, I'll show you." I run down the hallway and slide. I wobble slightly, but don't fall over. I turn around after I stop and look at Cas. He's looking at me with a smile on his face, but I can tell he's still a bit timid.

"I'm not sure if the science of this is very sound!" He calls to me. I roll my eyes and motion for him to come on.

"Do it anyway! It's fun!" I tell him and smile wide as he begins to smile. He runs and his coat billows a bit behind him. Then he slides just like I did. He wobbles more, but he does well. At least, he does well until he runs into me. We both topple to the floor laughing. Cas's laugh is deep and slightly rocky. Like someone is shaking pebbles inside of a tin can. It's sweet and endearing and one of the few times I've heard him out and out laugh. I laugh alongside him and it's nice to have the silent bunker be filled with a happy sound. We disentangle ourselves from each other and sit on the floor together. I sit Indian style, he sits with his legs splayed out.

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