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* a month later *

Currently Mason and I were on FaceTime having an argument on who is the best character on The Office. I was winning, of course.

"Dwight is superior. Fact," I stated.

"Okay whatever. But I have something to tell you," Mason's smile faded away.

"What is it?" I got a little bit worried on the inside.

"Okay so you know how I introduced you to my old friend Sam some time ago?"

My heart started to beat faster. My face got hot. I know he isn't about to say what I think he's going to say.

"Mhm. What about her?"

"Um...well." Mason's stuttering only made it worse.

I silently wished and prayed that he was not gonna say it.

"We started talking..."

"About what?" I was extremely close to going off on him.

Mason took a deep breath, "Sam and I are dating."

I knew it.

My heart sank.
It literally sank.
I felt as if my heart travelled all the way down to my stomach.

"How could you do this to me? You literally told me that I had nothing to worry about anything happening between you two. How does one person manage to pull something like that? You're such a fuckboy," I spewed out my thoughts. I hung up in the middle of Mason trying to explain whatever happened. Too bad I really don't care.

Crushes really suck.

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