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* Wednesday at lunch *

"But do you really have to go sit with him today?" Arielle was a little bit irritated with me.

Eli and I actually had a pretty good conversation after all the awkwardness passed. We have a lot in common. He likes to dance, I like to watch people dance. He likes food, I like food. The list can go on and on. But most importantly, Eli asked me if I wanted to eat lunch with him. I didn't know what to tell him, so I just shrugged. After class I told Luna and she was ecstatic. Gemma and Arielle...not so much.

"Guys, don't you want Cayla to be happy? If you let her eat lunch with this fine ass boy then she can be. It's only one time," Luna argued.

"If y'all don't want me to eat with him, then I won't. It's fine," I stated. On the inside I really wanted them to say yes, but on the outside I looked as nonchalant as I could.

"If it's just once then fine," Arielle sighed,"Go ahead my child. Be free."

"Thank you Arielle. Gemma, is it ok?" I turned towards my brown haired friend.

"Sure," she gave a little smile.

"Sweet. I'll see you guys later."
I stood up from my seat, grabbed my backpack, and walked to where Eli told me he sat with his friends.

He was the only one at the table when I walked over to him. I tapped his shoulder and he looked up at me.

"Hey Cayla."

"Hey Eli."

"You can sit down," he pointed to a chair,"my friends just got up to get in the line, they'll be back soon."

"Oh okay." I sat down in the chair next to him and pulled a sandwich out of my backpack.

We sat together in silence until a trio of boys came to the table. Dang, all his friends were fine too. I smiled once they all sat down.

"Who dis?" One of the boys gestured to me.

"That's Cayla. These are my friends Rickey, Abel, and Kenny," he pointed to them when he said their name.

"Nice to meet y'all," I smiled.

"Where'd you pull this one?" Abel asked Eli.

My smile quickly faded.

"Don't be disrespectful," Eli harshly spoke.

"Chill, chill, I'm just asking a question. Why you gotta get all upset?" Abel began to start eating the food on his tray.

Kenny, I think, spoke up,"You can't talk about a lady like that Abel."

"Thank you," I rolled my eyes.

"No problem," he smiled, "Are you new here?"

"Mhm, I just moved here from Texas."
I had finished my sandwich so, I pulled a bag of chips from my backpack.

"Oh so that's why you sound like that," Rickey said to me.

"What do I sound like to y'all?"

"You sound like this," Rickey started to talk in an over-exaggerated southern accent.

"No I don't. Wait do I?" I looked to Eli.

He shrugged and smirked at me,"Just a little bit."
I hit him on the arm. 

"Y'all are so mean. I'm new and this is how I'm treated," I faked crying noises and wiped my eyes.

Eli pulled me in for a hug,"We're just playing with you."

Rickey made an "aww" sound,"Eli is going soft. He's already falling in love!"

I laughed and broke out of Eli's grip,"No ones in love. I just met this dude today."

"Wow you're just gonna betray me like that? Ok, I see how it is. Girl bye," Eli put his hand in my face.

"Well Imma go anyway. It was nice meeting you guys," I got out of the chair and put my backpack on.

I walked back to where my friends were and immediately I was bombarded with questions.
"Guys, chill out," I sighed before telling them everything.

A/N what's good y'all? it's been an eternity, but finally here it is.

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