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"So what are we looking for?"

'A set of 6 hardbound black color books. They're around 200pgs thick each and you'll have to look properly.'

'umm ok... Why are we having a mental conversation though?'

'Do you want the librarian to think we are mental? Talking in the air?'

'oooh right...'

They walked into the library going through each and every section carefully. The books were not in the active collection, hence they had to search quite thoroughly to find it even the last time. Trisha started looking through the aisles on the left. Sarah went right, and Aditya at the back. He was engrossed in looking for the book when he walked right through someone. The woman slightly shuddered and then moved ahead.


'Don't you even dare!' Trisha had seen this from across the library. She was currently hunched down looking into the lower shelves.

'What happened?' Sarah thought.

'Aditya found Miss. Sen'

'No way!'

'What?' Aditya was really confused now.

'Just focus ok. Try to find the book.'

Soon enough Aditya found the bulky collection of 6 volumes on supernatural phenomena. The very cover picture was creepy enough to shoo away any reader. He couldn't help but wonder about the inner functionings of these girls' brains.

'Aren't these girls supposed to be scared of these things?'



'God you girls are vicious! Now get these books please.' They lay down the books on the table as Trisha and Sarah started going through them one by one. One book had a graphic description on how to become a werewolf. Now who would want that? Being all hairy and weird and howling like crazy. They couldn't help but wonder what went wrong with their brains when they decided to read these books.

"Hey look at that! Vampires are humans with this disorder called porphiria."

"Now that's just lame." Trisha sighed.

'Is this little adventure not enough, that you're craving for more?' Aditya enquired and Trisha immediately shook her head.

'I take my words back.'

"You girls should really try reading something more cheerful you know." They heard a sweet voice from behind them and Aditya's heart melted.

"Oh no Miss. Sen, we were just browsing through."

"And don't you have a lecture right now?"

"No we have a free period."

The librarian smiled and left them at that. That's when Sarah's eyes sparkled all of a sudden, highlighting the golden rim around her eyes. "I think I found it!"

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