Chapter 40. Edited.

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She calmed down and fell asleep on the couch, I went to my bedroom for a blanket and there was Harry reading one of the books Jacob gave me. He always tried to make me read and I always failed, I'm not a reading person, he didn't read too but he just wanted me to be like any other teenager. I was never obsessed with any celeb, never obsessed with books or something like every girl does nowadays.

It was First Love by James Patterson.

The only one of the thousands I read, I really enjoyed it. Why did he choose such a girly book? He was so into the book, I didn't want to interrupt him but the way his gaze passed through every single word was cute and hot.

"Enjoying Axi and Robinson's story?" I asked and he smiled.

I didn't notice I left him here for two hours while I was easing my mom's pain.

"Yes, even though that girl is so obvious. Why is Robinson such a blind ass? It was obvious for the way she acted she loved him," he was so into the book.

"Really?" I sat on the bed, "I don't think so. She tried to make it... private, so that he didn't feel awkward because she thought he didn't like her,"

"Whatever..." he closed the book, "I know of some other girls who act just like Axi,"

I knew he was talking about me. I was obvious but I hid it from him, from anyone even myself.

"It is just a book that shows the reality of girls now," he concluded.

"It shows boys' too, you ass,"

I laughed and he laughed along with me.

"I must give this to my mom," I grabbed a purple blanket and before standing up he grabbed my arm.

"No, wait," he mouthed.

I turned my gaze to face him and he kissed my lips.

"Go now," he laughed.

I stood up and my legs began to shake. It wasn't normal, I felt different. I covered her with the blanket and remember I forgot my phone in my room; I had to call Emily and told her I couldn't go to class. I walked in and Harry was now using my phone.

"Hey, that's mine," I scowled.

"I know," he smiled and looked at me, "I really like your wallpaper,"

It was us in Beverly Hills Park; no one ever touched my phone so I decided to put it as home screen, somehow he guessed my '0000' password.

I felt really embarrassed. It was a simple picture, he was making a funny face and I was smiling.

"It's... yeah, nice," I agreed.

"I'm not the only one here with pictures of each other so; you can never mock me again," he smiled playfully.

"I won't,"

I felt relieved he didn't take it any weirder. I wasn't ashamed now.

"Is your mother doing better?" he changed the subject. "It was weird seeing her that way,"

"Yes, she is just heartbroken. She loved Joe and he cheated on her. She loved my dad too and he abandoned her, is just hard for her to feel the same emptiness again."

He opened his eyes in awe. I know, my mother's kids have been far from lucky when it comes to love; maybe that's why she is so strict and rude all the time.

"Is something inherited, I guess."

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing, never mind,"

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