Chapter 22

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My parents and I were sitting down eating the food Joel brought and we laughed here and there about some embarrassing moments I had as a child and teen.

"Nunca se me olvidara el día que por fin dejaste de ser tímida. Era algo hermoso de ver a mi pequeña ser valiente y feliz." My father said referring to the third grade when I decided to put my shyness away and audition for the role of Belle for the Beauty and the Beast play.

I smiled and took a bite of my orange chicken. We heard footsteps coming down the stairs and soon Joel popped up. His hair was messy and wet but still look presentable. He grabbed another fork and sat next to me. "Mind if we share?" He whispered smirking. I chuckled and move the plate in the middle.

My father cleared his throat gaining our attention. "Joel, Miriam me contó que CNCO va regresar?" Joel slowly nodded as he chewed. "Cómo será eso? Porque los otro chicos tienen un hijo o más."

Joel swallowed hard and cleared his throat. No matter the time it's passed, it still pains him to hear 'children'. "Bueno, los de Richard ya están un poco grandes so no hay problem también el de Christopher. Los de Erick y Zabdiel están pequeños pero creo que sus hijos y esposas vendrán de gira con nosotros. No estoy tan seguro."

"Tú irás con ellos también?" My father asked as he looked at me. All eyes were on me now.

"No. Tengo que quedarme para el programa." I said and took a sip of my soda. "Pero cuando no tenga nada de que grabar, iré con ellos." I said smiling and looked at Joel who smiled widely.

We both stopped staring at each other and looked back at my parents who smiled widely. I felt my cheeks burn so I looked down hoping to cool down.

"Se van a quedar aquí verdad?" Joel asked randomly. "Bueno, tenemos espacio para ustedes."

"Ay no Joel. No queremos molestar." My mother said as Joel and I furrowed our eyebrows.

"Claro que no. Ustedes son mis suegros y este es su casa también." Joel said proudly making us laugh. I felt his hand on my lap as his thumb rubbed against my thigh.


"You weren't planning to send your parents to a hotel, right?" Joel asked as he changed into his pajamas. I was laying down while scrolling through Twitter.

"Yeah." I simply said as I read tweets about the new show.

"You're joking right?" Joel said not believing me. I looked up at him and laughed at his expression.

"Of course not. They're my parents, Joel." I said locking my phone and putting it on the night stand. "But I don't know if you remember I owe you something." I said smirking as he hover over me.

"Oh yeah and what's that?" He said smirking as well.

"Una regañada for leaving me like that." I said smacking his arm making him lose balance and fall on top of me. "Ouch! Joel get off!"

He got off and laid down next to me as he stared at the ceiling. He was serious and seemed bothered. I got closer to him and laid my head on top of his chest. He rubbed my back and never let sight of the ceiling.

"I'm sorry I left like that, babe." He whispered before kissing my forehead. "I had to go to my mom's house."

"It's okay. Don't worry about it." I said kissing his jaw.

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