Chapter 33

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Today I go back to work. Destiny's still in the hospital but survived the bullet--in fact, she's dismissed today. With the help of my friends, we organized a small 'welcome home' get together for her. While Ally and I are filming the last episode of the first season, everyone's at my house helping decorate.

It's been four days since the night we found Joel. Chloe died as soon as the bullet made contact with her. If it wasn't for Stacy, I'd been the one dead and there's not a night I don't think about it. Her helpers have been locked up as well. From what Stacy found out, Monica moved to Spain after her mother died of cancer. It broke my heart that someone as young as her had to go through what she did. Ever since, I felt like all my problems washed away. Well, all except one...Joel.

Joel has been shy and seem to doubt himself on how to approach me. It's like we're living the beginning days of our relationship all over again. But I'm the one to blame.

My mind plays with my heart. My mind is so manipulative. I want to forgive him. I want to go back to him. I want us to be happy again and not awkward and distant--but I can't.

Every time he's tried to talk to me, to come to a conclusion, I don't give him my time. My mind reminds me that he lied and my heart falls for it.

"You ready?" Asked Ally as she leaned on the door frame. I snapped back to reality and nodded. We headed to the parking lot towards her car. We got in and drove to the hospital to pick Destiny up.

We headed to the front desk and asked for Destiny. The nice lady guided us to where she was. We opened the door and saw her sitting on the bed smiling wide. "Hey there cutie." Ally said as she chuckled.

"Ready?" I asked her before bringing her into a hug.

"Yeah. I was just thinking about everything." She said in her tick accent. "I put Joel in danger." She gulped. I tensed up and cleared my throat as Ally stood there not saying anything. We both didn't want to talk about it and you could feel it.

"But you saved him. And that's all that matters." I spoke softly. She nodded and got up from the bed.

"Let's go."

We got her belongings and walked to the parking lot. Cameras were being shoved into our faces as we walked towards Ally's car. Question after question was thrown at Destiny about the case and the rescue. She smiled politely but said nothing.

Finally, we got in and drove to my place. I took the red bandana out of my bag and fold it. "What's that for?" Asked Destiny from the back seat.

"You. We have a surprise." I said looking back at her.

"Is blindfolding me necessary?" She said crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"Suck it up." Ally said as she parked in front of my house. Destiny groaned and got off the car. I placed the bandana over her eyes and tied it from the back.

"Don't let me fall." Destiny panicked and grabbed Ally's and my arm. We chuckled and guided her towards the front door.

As soon as I opened it, we took her blindfold off and everyone jumped out of their spots. "Surprise! Welcome home!"

She covered her mouth in awe as she teared up. "Thank you guys." She said and brought everyone into a hug.

"Now that we're all here, I have some news." Stacy said once we pulled back from the hug.

"Me too." Ally said raising her hand and standing next to Stacy. Everyone exchanged looks and waited for them to speak.

"I've decided that I'll go back to making music." Stacy said nervously. Everyone cheered as I ran up to her.

All Over Again : Joel Pimentel Where stories live. Discover now