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"So, Clay Jensen, why are you attending this party?" Lexi asked her best friend while standing at the end of Jessica's driveway both dreading, but excited to enter the party.

"Uh, Jeff told me it would be good for me." He hesitated but answered, which was a lie because he still hasn't told Lexi who he liked.

Lexi started to get nervous about this party. It's been awhile since she's been to a party, and she was worried something would go wrong. She really just wanted to find Jeff. She had this comfortness around Jeff that she couldn't explain.

Clay split off to go chase someone down, leaving Lexi alone.

"Oh, I haven't seen you at a party since like, freshman year Lexi." Bryce yelled smirking at Lexi, then Montgomery winking at her.

"Hot outfit." Montgomery snickered.

She rolled her eyes and kept walking around searching for Jeff. She kept searching and searching but then she was backed up against a wall, unable to move. Montgomery was holding her against the wall. "You look so hot tonight." He said, saying it up against her neck. "Get off me, Montgomery..." she said strongly and calmly. He started to kiss her lips then her neck, and she was starting to get super uncomfortable. "It's fine, it's fine, we're just having a little fun."

"Get off her!" Jeff pulled Montgomery off of her and pushed him to the ground. "Calm down bro, she was fine." He smirked. Jeff was angry, he was trying to hold himself back because he didn't want to do anything in front of Lexi. If Lexi wasn't there, he would've punched Montgomery right in the face, but instead, he grabbed lexi's shaking hands and brought her upstairs into an empty room.

Lexi's anxiety was at almost 100% because of the incident that just happened. She felt so helpless, if it wasn't for Jeff she wouldn't of known what would of happened. She can handle words, but she can't handle physical actions. Lexi's anxiety was causing her to shake and it made her start crying.

"Come her." Jeff said with open arms, and Lexi shoved herself into his chest and cried on him.

"Are you okay?" Jeff asked, while petting her hair while she was still in his arms.

She shook her head. "No... I felt so weak. I couldn't do anything. There were so many people watching..." she was over analyzing everything that happened, and was worried about what people were gonna say.

She was still crying and Jeff was still holding her. She never wanted to leave this spot, she felt so safe with him. She was still shaken up about what happened, but at least she was with him.

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