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When Jeff and Lexi got to school together, of course everyone had seen the Instagram picture, suspecting something was going on between the two of them, but neither of them cared.

Lexi walked with Jeff until they got to the locker room.

"Why'd you have to switch classes?" Jeff pouted giving her cute puppy dog eyes.

Lexi schedule had changed, her first hour wasn't gym anymore, which she was happy about but also upset about cause now she didn't have any classes with Jeff.

"Because, I'm in AP classes and I need them for college." She smiled and punched his shoulder playfully.

"Hopefully I'll just get a baseball scholarship." He laughed.

Lexi rolled her eyes and then started walking away.

"See you later?" He questioned, yelling down the hallway.

"Maybe." She turned around quickly, and smirked.

Things were good, at the same time things were bad. She still had depression, one boy couldn't change that, he can't get rid of it. As much as she wish he could, he couldn't. He was all she was thinking about, she was happy around him. Genuinely happy, but there was still that feeling inside of her that was upset and insecure, and wasn't happy. All while she was happy with Jeff.


"Hey, Alexis Lane." Clay smirked at Lexi as he sat in the seat behind her before Math class started.

"Hello, Clay Jensen." She replied giving him a weird look.

"So? How are you and Jeff doing?" Clay smiled.

Lexi slightly rolled her eyes. "We're just friends..." she said emotionless. "He came over last night because he felt bad about what happened and he stayed the night and we talked. That's it." She explained.

"Don't you like him though?" Clay asked quietly.

"Of course I do, don't tell him, even though pretty sure he knows, whatever." She said, her mood worsening. "I can't date him Clay..." She sighed.

"Why not?" He said frowning.

"I'm not good for him. He deserves better. Way better. I'm a mess, a big depressed mess, he doesn't need that. I'll get in the way with his baseball... he really doesn't need that." Lexi rolled her eyes.

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