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Lexi told Jeff to come over as soon as possible, Lexi a crying mess. She didn't even completely know why she was crying, she was just emotional. She also felt pretty embarrassed around Jeff, although he's the only person she wanted to see.

When the doorbell rang, she slightly smiled, wiped her eyes of the dripping mascara and went to the door to go see Jeff.

When Lexi opened the door, it revealed a worried looking Jeff and his cheesy smile.

Lexi slightly smiled but still had a sad look on her face. Jeff immediately engulfed her in a hug with her head against his chest and him playing with her hair.

"I'm sorry about today." He said pulling away , Lexi and Jeff walking upstairs.

"It's fine..." she lied. It was far from fine. It wasn't Jeff's fault at all, she wasn't mad at Jeff; she was mad at the whole situation and how things were handled.

"You're lying, it's not fine... what he said was not okay." Jeff explained and sat on the bed with Lexi. He saw right through her, she didn't know how he did it, but he did.

"No it's not, but it's whatever..." She lied again. She didn't want to talk about anything, she didn't want to have to face feelings, even though she had all alone all day since school had got out.

She never went to the study session that Jeff had invited her to, she just went home. She felt kinda bad, but it's whatever, like she always says.

"It's not whatever Lexi.. It's big. He's saying false things about you that doesn't need to be said..." Jeff raised his voice making Lexi flinch. "Sorry." He then quietly said.

"I should've stood up for you..." he said sounding guilty.

"I told you, I can handle those things myself." Lexi said, kinda rolling her eyes.

"Yes, I know, but you didn't... so I should've." He said.

"Why? It's not like you're obligated to do anything for me..." she harshly spoke.

"Well, no. But, you're my friend."

Friend. The word made her smile, but also frown.
She didn't know if him using the word friend was a good thing or not. It could be good, because their relationship is increasing, but it could also be bad because he could be friend zoning her..

Was he friend zoning her?

A little while later, they were just talking. And talking, which they do often, and then Lexi laid back on her bed, while Jeff was still sitting.

"Why are your parents gone a lot?" Jeff asked, Lexi hesitated and just told him it was complicated. Which it was, but she didn't want to talk about it.

Then Jeff laid back down on the bed next to her. They were both quietly staring up at the ceiling when Jeff's hand slowly grabbed Lexi's and held it. Lexi froze in the moment, but she loved the way their hands fit together perfectly. ♥️

Sorry short chapter 🙃
I've had a busy past two days. Pls forgive. ♥️ my next chapter will be much longer, I hope.

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