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It was going to be a day that every daughter dreads of having to bear through, but Lexi was strong and she could get through it.

Lexi stared at herself in the mirror looking at the black dress she was wearing, one single tear coming down from her eye.

(^ the dress) ~~~~~

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(^ the dress) ~~~~~

She didn't want to go to the funeral, but she knew she had to. It was her mother, although the relationship was... confusing. She had to go. She already missed her.

It's a Wednesday. She hasn't went to school, She's ignored all of Jeff's calls and texts. She hates ignoring him, but she didn't want him to see her in this state, it was embarrassing.

She heard a knock on her bedroom door and a awkwardly smiling but sad looking clay walks through the door.

"Hey." He said, in his tuxedo that he looked so cute in. "How're you doing?"

"I'm managing." She faintly smiled. He smiled back.

When they were in the driveway about ready to go to the church, an all too familiar car drove up with an even more familiar face driving it.


"Lexi? What's going on?" He asked looking concerned.

Lexi looked at him faintly smiled and then soon got sad. She looked at clay and clay nodded and then with no word to Jeff lexi got in the car with her dad.

"Jeff, her mom just died a few days ago, the funerals today. She's been having a rough time. Don't take it personally man. Just when she's ready to come to you. Be there." Clay explained. Lexi listened through the window closely, while not looking at either of them.

She couldn't say that her mom died one more time, she had only had to say it a few times, but that was enough. It wasn't a sentence she ever wanted to say, EVER.


"Thank you, yeah, I'm okay." She said for the fifteenth time. Everyone coming up to her and saying sorry for her loss wasn't making anything better. She just wanted to go home.

The service was long, and it seemed even longer because near the end she had to say a few words about her mother and stuff and she wasn't looking forward to it at all.

"And nowadays few words from her beloved daughter." The minister said, transitioning the service to Lexi.

"Uh, I didn't really plan anything to say, because no amount of words can prepare me for this, or make this any better than it is." She looked at her brother who was crying in her dads lap, and it just broke her heart more. "My mom and I, well, we weren't very close. Business has her traveling all over so I never got to see her much, maybe like once every two months right? You wouldn't think it hurts then? But it does. It hurts worse... I didn't get to do a lot of things with my mom like a lot of kids my age get to." A couple of years appeared under her eyes. "The last time I saw her... some things were said that I totally wish I could take back." She said before starting to cry even more.

Clay watched his best friend struggle on the words about her mom. He wanted to save her from all this.

He texted Jeff to get to the church as soon as he could and just wait for her outside. Clay could tell she was gonna wanna leave sooner than she was actually able to.

"So mom, wherever you are. I love you so much." She cried. "I know we were never close, but I miss you so much already and I can't believe you're not here. Please don't think I hate you, I'm so thankful for everything you've done for this family." She cried harder. You could barely make out what she was saying, but she knew what she was saying, and she just had to say it. "Mom. I promise I will take care of this family just like you did..." she said, finally running off the stand and rushing out of the church.

The minute she opened the doors to outside she saw Jeff sitting on a ledge all dressed up in a white shirt and plain black tie.

(Looks like this ^^^ WHO ELSE LIKES MANU RIOS ???)

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(Looks like this ^^^ WHO ELSE LIKES MANU RIOS ???)

Jeff immediately got up and had all open arms as Lexi rushed and jumped into his arms crying.

She wanted to stay like this forever.

"Hey, shhh. It's gonna be okay. I got you. I got you okay?" He comforted her and she slowly nodded, quietly sniffling.

She felt safe in his arms. Jeff held her, for as long as Lexi needed.


This wasn't gr8 but :/// I NEEDED TO UPDATE FOR YOU GUYS! I start summer break next Wednesday, so I promise after final exams and schools out I'll update A LOT more ! I miss writing this book. :( PLS GIVE FEEDBACK IS THE STORY GOING GOING OR ??? Like ? Idk 

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