Lost at Sea

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Lost at Sea

"Well NEVER MAKE IT IN TIME! QUICK GET ON WITH ME" , lil Marci yells. Pushing a hand made draft out into the ocean. Marshal Lee was still behind catching up, But when Marci turns around, she finds him releasing a well crafted cannon shot at the wolves!
"QUICK" she yells, yanking on Marshal bringing him back to the plan.

The wolves were stalled mean time, while the two pushed the draft out into The Dead Kingsmen Ocean.
As they floated off, the wolves tried to catch up. by swimming, but the air took the two of them off in the sea. Watching  from a distance getting smaller and smaller. Marshal Lee was only looking at how they managed to escape.
"Will you quit staring off into nothing? Help me set these sheets up", lil Marci says pulling out from her back pack.

It was still night but the two decided to work together.

Marci looks down at her map and then looks at the stars. She checks behind her to see how far out from land they've gone. And just as the land went past the vanishing point Marci looks toward Marshal and says...
"I think we're lost."
"You've got to be kidding me"
"No for real! On the map it says to take the Pepper constellation out to Skulls Path!" As she points in the direction.
"Hand that hear" he takes, while trying to really comprehend where they were.
"No silly, it says it's to the left, Branch Alley"
"Well how ever far it is, we don't have much time" Marcilene said worried.
She then steers the float changing the path, bringing them to a more Dead Sea. Floating off with the wind. It was starting to get more still in the air. Almost too still....
"So your name is Marshal Lee?"
"My father talked about you. Your like one the Greats. Your family lives in the Opposition Castle in the Nightsosphere Core"
"Yeah just before my-" he says out of his memory.
"Family? Mine left me too" she says looking down.
"MINE! Didn't leave" Marshal said looking out to the stars.
"Then why aren't they here?!"
"Listen you don't know my family! They loved me...", I was stuck on that thought just as bubbles started to appear on the right side of the draft.
"Don't get to close. It could be a trap." She says.
As The both of them leaned over the edge to see what was really at sea with them.
"The bubbles stopped. Guess it was nothing" Marci says.
And just as they go to set back, bursting from the water, Diving high into the air. You could see the length of this Sea monster. Having horns and teeth that were terribly gnarly. It then lands causing a huge wave. Sending the draft, rocking back and forth.
"TOOT FRUITS! We gotta get rid of this thing" Marshal says, as he dives in after the monster, tripled times tons his size.
"You got to be kidding me" Marci sighs, knowing she'll have to follow too!

Marshal Lee swims deep to the floors crust scanning the water with his "night eyes" as he looks all around, searching for the Searcher. Being night, plus at the bottoms of the ocean, It was really hard to see but feeling the way the water moves he was able to detect its track. And as it snapped out of the sea weed, going in for an attack. He manages to grab one of its five horns, breaking it off its head, and piercing it into its snout!
The beast swims away knocking Marshal in the head with its tale, and as he falls, he hits a rock under sea.
Marcilene swimming down to the bottom where she finds Marshal laying. She then lifts, and begins to swim back up. Coming across a trail of red, she can smell the Searchers blood from all over. She starts to push and swim even faster feeling the burn workout in her tiny legs.
  Out from beneath plops Marshal onto the draft. Marci then looks out into the distance seeing that there's still time to find the Riddle Stone.

"The sun hasn't peaked over the mountains yet." She thought trying to put everything together.
"Maybe if I-"
Marci quickly reaches in her bag for her flashlight. And just as the beast from the sea was ready to pounce out from the water. She quickly  ducks shining the light in its eyes, blinding it. And it splashes on the water.
"HEE YAH" she shouts jumping on its back. As it dragged her even farther out to sea, bringing her to the exact point she needed to be. She could see it glowing from a distance. But was it really it. The Riddle stone she's been looking for?

She let's go of the blinded animal and she floats down. Floating down ever so peacefully.. that's when she sees her vision. Coming closer to the end. She then brushes the dirt and mud off the Stone seeing that it's precious and colorful. Knowing once it is in the light she will have to keep it hidden from thieves and looters.
The stone was probably as big as a brain, while she tucks it in her front pocket. Swimming up word peacefully, knowing that she drove the beast in the sea.
As she makes it up back to the draft. She sees out in the sky, the sun was rising.
"YES! I can't believe we did that!" She yeps with glee.
Looking down at her left Marshal Lee, was still unconscious.

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