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Happiness. It happens often.. but what is it..

Staring deep in to blue sky. Clouds were floating by. I was lost in the grass. I was lost in my mind. I went back to the moments where I was falling out of time.
Was I falling into time? Time out? Time in?
What's good timing? What's bad timing?
Is everything based off time? Ugh I'm so sick of time. I just wish I could.... go back.
All these thoughts were making my head spin. That's when I rose my hand in the air and pondered..

"Hey Marshal Lee" said Marci as she flew over him, reaching her hand out.
Marshal grabbed them as she started to lift off even farther from the ground. Marshal begin to fly him self. "Hey Marci?!" he said.

Marci said, "It's been a couple of days since we talked. You've been in the dark and all alone. Wanted to make sure you're all good" .

"Yeah I've been good!", Marshal said out of feelings. Not good feelings. But not bad feelings.
"There just feelings" Marshal whispered.

" What are just feelings", asked Marceline.
"YOU! I l- I like youu. I like youuu? I LIKE YOU LIKE CHEEEEEESE. Macoronie to be specifically."
"Marshal?! you like me....?", Marceline started to blush.
She began to say Marshal but then something stoped her from talking.
Marshals face was completely red. As if he was going to die from holding his breath.
Marshal reversed the grip, so it was him holding her.

He steered them even higher to the clouds.

"To The Cloud line..
maybe I can really clear my head up there, think about what I really need to think about.." he thought.

As they looked off to the distance.. the sun...
there was a bread Shark monster.. rising from beneath...

Half of its torso was above the cloud line. It started to stand tall!

"Marcilene? What is that?"

"I could not tell ya"

"Does it look Good?... wait... it's picking up a tree... with its mind?!"

"OH. Look there, another one is standing! Oh look, another!"

Now there were three standing in front of them, together. The one with the tree began to lift it...
"Annnnnnd... it threw it"

"Look out Marshal... this actually doesn't look to good.. " she said.

"Oh Glob, there's even more..."

They looked really familiar to Marci..

Just as Marshal pulled her out of the trees way..

"This has to be it... this is... THE UNKNOWN" Marci said.

"My axe" , she reached outward to nothing..

Just as she has done, the bread shark monsters were peering over them...

"Maaaaarci!!!!" Shouted Marshal.

As soon as her Axe flew into her hand, she dragged it against the bread beast flying up to its belly, slicing it.

Crumbs started to rain.

Marshal watched as she flew around in the sky, striking the Sharks..

It was an odd feeling though...

For some reason Marshal couldn't shake this sick since of humor out of him...

He began to feast on there legs..

"they have legs! But there sharks" he humorously thought as he locked jawed one so painful it tripped. Falling right through the clouds and out of the sky.. "

Marshal looked up only to see seven more rising..

Marci flew back down to him by his side...

Thence, they all began to collect energy and began makeing a black, floating, electric, energy sphere in the sky.. Red lasers were crackling out of it... then it was shot at them , at lightning Speed..

She quickly grabbed and tucked for Marshal as he pushed her away, smiling at the bolt of Fiction....

It strikes him... he begins to fall a long fall. A trail of smoke follows..

Just before his impact, hes Sloan down by Marci... but she had to drop him softly. She then rested on her knees next to his head as she lifts his head on them. She looks down at him with tears...

Marshal begins to open his eyes... and smiles yet again.
At that point one, last , black lightning sphere was being concentrated...

Marshal whispers something..

Then Marci stops crying... and with a tear down her cheek.. she smiles.

At tremendous speeds, this shot was... A.I. Precise..


Waking up From his terrible Nightmare,
Marshal Lee was only nine..

He walks to his open window and stares at the stars and moon...

And smiles..

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2017 ⏰

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