Chapter One: Eighteen Years Later

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Chapter One: Eighteen Years Later...


"COMING MA!" I yell back down to my mom. My dad was out on business and it was just my mom and me at the moment. I pulled my long black curly hair into a ponytail and ran down the stairs. My mom was standing at the door with my backpack. I slipped on my flip flops and grabbed my bag from my mom. "Thanks mom, I love you!" I gave her a kiss on the cheek and opened the screen door. "Bye" I called back to my mom. She waved back with a strained smile on her face. She hated sending me to school and never told me why, she forced the smile for my sake. I ran up the sidewalk hoping to catch up with my friends. I yelled out when I saw them and they stopped to wait for me. I caught up out of breath and panting. Lexi handed me her water bottle and I gulped it down. "Thanks," I gasped. God  she is a lifesaver. Lexi has light carmely blonde hair with rainbow highlights and brown eyes. She lives with her dad cause her mom died giving birth to her. Me and her are best friends and have been for at least 3 years now. We walked and talked and I heard all the new gossip. There was a new kid walking with us, he just started school and whenever we asked him questions he would just shrug them off with cryptic answers. We finally gave up and talked among ourselves. Lexi was absolutely ecstatic about the upcoming Maximum Academy Middle School Dance. She explained in full detail her rainbow dress and hair she was planning to do.

"What are you gonna wear to the dance Rissa?" She asked me.

"I dunno, maybe we should go shopping later," I declared. She agreed and we set plans for the following afternoon. Today was a half day at school and we would have the whole afternoon to ourselves. We soon came to the school and we all braced ourselves for the day at Maximum Academy.

Annabeth's POV

I fiddled with my wedding ring as I sat on the couch with my laptop. I was studying some more building designs for Olympus. I was so worried about Marissa at school, especially since Percy was off doing work with Frank and Hazel at the moment. I didn't go a day without worrying about Rissa. Gaea's curse still  threatened her. She had another three years to go until she was sixteen, and then we hopped the curse would lose its power. When I found out I was pregnant I locked myself in my room for a week.  Me and Percy had been married for two years and weren't planning on having any children, no matter how badly we wanted them. Guilt consumed me and I would only open up to Percy. Soon though, I faced my problems and talked to Percy about our child. We agreed that we should raise her away from the gods and monsters. Percy and I still worked for Chiron and the gods though, killing troublesome groups of monsters. I shook my head getting my mind out of the past and focused on the buildings. A small part of my mind still nagged me and made me worry though.

Marissa's POV

"I will always remember you Lexi!" I playfully call out. 

"You better! See you in a few hours!" She yells back. I went to my locker and grabed my stuff. My first class of the day was History with Miss Evans. I walk in and sit at my seat in the third row and get my notebook out. Today we had a substitute for Miss Evans, her name is Ms. Danforth, she is a strict old woman with beady eyes. Great another teacher to hate me.  She starts the lesson by saying,

"I will not be a lenient teacher and I expect model behavior from all of you. Any misbehavior will result in," she took a moment to think and then decided on, "severe punishment. Now let us begin our lesson..." I zoned out and thought about my dad. He always told me great stories as a child and had a new one everytime he came back from out of town work. I would never admit this out loud but I still really enjoy his stories. Both him and Mom have a real passion for Ancient Greece and most of his stories are about myths and made up adventures. My thoughts are interuppted by Ms. What's her face. "Miss Jackson, please answer the question." 

"Uh im sorry what was the question?" I ask.

"I see someone wasn't listening!" She narrows her already beady eyes. "I asked what year World War II ended." I racked my brain for the answer. I remember 1940 something. I blurt out, 

"1943 I think." 

"Wrong, World War II ended in 1945 when Adolf Hitler took his own life. Detention Miss Jackson for not listening to the lesson!" she declares.

"But its a half day! I have plans!" I disagree,

"No buts unless you want me to add time!" she yells. I clench my teeth and say,

"Yes ma'am." My mom would kill me if I got into a fight with the teacher. My dad would probably give me a highfive or something. 

"Good, now who can tell me the number of people killed in concentration camps in World War II?" She picks a cocky know-it-all and I try to focus on the lesson. Soon the bell rings, thank god, and I get up to go to my next class, math. 

****Hey guys! Do you all like it so far? Did you guys gasp when Marissa's middle name was Bianca? Also do you all like the cover? I couldn't find anything else, but if you find something you think might work send it to me on pinterest. Leave a vote or comment if you like my story. Thanks for all the support.****

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