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*Edited as of 02/18...*

What was your first memory? How far back can you remember?


I was five and I remember waking up. At first there was nothing just black and then my eyes opened. There was shouting and people screaming. It wasn't unusual to be woken up during the night. Our pack was always loud and cheerful, adults would usually party and drink around a fire late at night. But this sounded different. As my eyes began adjusting to the darkness so did my other senses. I could smell something awful and foul. Its hard to explain but its easier to recognize the smell than to describe it. The scent is nauseating and sweet, putrid and steaky, or something like leather being tanned over a flame. You never really get the smell of burning flesh out of your nose entirely. No matter how long you live.

This was the last time I slept in my room. Even now I can still remember my black Gwendoline Spindle Bed, the pink chenille spread, grandma's old vanity with three mirrors and the little door that went into the attic. It led to my princess tower, the one dad made for me after I threw a fit about wanting one just like I'd seen on TV.

I remember sitting up in bed as mother and father rushed through the room door. The stench became stronger along with the smell of rouges. Mother was still dressed in her thin cotton night gown, covered in blood. It was my favorite. I used to love fiddling with the little rosebuds that ran along the ends of her dress. That was the nightgown I saw her wear when she made me breakfast on summer mornings or when we sat on the porch swing and talked about life; the nightgown she'd slip on at night, while she poured herself a glass of wine and me a cup of milk as she gave me courage to be the woman she knew I could become, encouraging me to be strong.

I was in her arms as father stood guard picking the safest route out of the house. "mommy What's going on?" I asked buried in her chest with her arms wrapped tightly around me.

"We're under attack by rouges honey we need to get you to somewhere safe" Father guided us down into the basement where we had a secret tunnel that led directly under the house and into the woods. As I looked back in her arms I noticed we were being pursued my 3 rouges.

"Behind us!" mother screamed to father. He instantly shifted into his wolf and leaped behind us telling us to keep running. He locked the gates behind him and ran towards the rouges in an effort to slow them down. Mother turned to me and set me down.

"Honey I need you to shift I know your too young but you can do it" Scared and terrified I heard a voice at the back of my head pushing me back into my subconscious. "Honey remember what I taught you about hiding your scent" I nodded "I need you to run as fast as you can and don't look back your father cant hold them back on his own" I nodded again

"good girl" she said kissing me on the forehead "Remember that we love you so much and we'll always watch over you. use your gift to guide you to safety and trust your wolf now go."

For a minute the pain was almost unbearable as my wolf took over. I was still young so my wolf was small. Mom smiled proudly and my wolf licked my mothers tears. "Go!" she said and I turned around and sprinted into the night's fog at full speed.
The cold night air coursed through my lungs and dried my already parched throat. My heart was beating fast and I was scared. I could see one rouge running behind me so I did as mother instructed and hid my scent remebering her lessons under our old oak tree probably preparing me for this day.

After running for what seemed like forever the rouge wolf gave up on his pursuit. I continued running for about 30 more miles and began to slow down. The sun was rising and I had been running for hours. I was exhausted. With the last of my strength I used my gift Nature.

It was the ability to communicate with nature. There are many component to this gift and its extremely rare. The gift runs in my family and I've been able to use it since the day I was born. It felt almost more natural than having my wolf. Children cannot shift into their wolf until around the age of 10. I was half that age. I guess its because of my powers and the stress I was able to bring forth my wolf.

I focused all my energy on my surroundings. The first step was to established a connection with my surroundings. To gain an awareness of nature spirits is to cultivate a sense of the woods and forests that attract you. In a sense making my presence felt to the beings that lived in this forest.
Once that was successfully done and the link was established they had noticed me enough and I became aware of them. Each plant each living creature big and small. The fishes to the birds that flew high in the sky.

'please help...I need a safe place to rest' I linked to the forest. I soon was granted the vision of a sparrow that was perched on a tree. It took off cutting through the air showing me a path that led deep into the forest. This part of the forest was dense. I stood in awe of the size and majesty of the trees.

Their knotted arms rose ever upwards, as far as my head could lift. It was a hoary fortress and stood proudly. The morning sun shined down on me covering me with warmth and acceptance, glinting and shimmering. The trees looked happy in their solar isolation. I was safe.

I shifted back into my human form. My energy almost depleted as I curled up under a large tree. Its branches and roots forming a protective barrier around the space I occupied. I thanked my wolf and the Moon Goddess for protecting me and fell into a deep sleep.

 I thanked my wolf and the Moon Goddess for protecting me and fell into a deep sleep

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