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Note: (Editing) New chapter omg finally. Ive been stuck for quite a while, I had no idea where I wanted this story to go and finally, an idea punched me straight in the face. Im so excited I literal did a dramatic dead fish flop to my couch and started writing. And wow 433 reads!  Ok back to the story :)

Outside was an unexpected gift of rain. Apollo walks into the pack house half drown; his hair Hung like a dark river about his face. "Did you find her" asked Butch "No, I can't catch her sent in this weather" said Apollo "I'll have to try again later after the weather holds up" he finished walking towards his office. "Also...Alpha Garret of the Crimson pack is here to see you" said Butch "He's waiting for you inside your office." Apollo stopped in mid stride and turned to Butch. "Keep a look out if she returns keep her away from this meeting". Apollo sees anger flash in Butch's face along with an urge to hide his true feelings. "You found your mate and luna, do you still intend on going through with this marriage" asked Butch. Apollo frowned and turned his face to the rain-washed window. "What I do, and what I decide, is for the good of the Pack" Said Apollo walking away..

"Gloomy day isn't it Alpha Garret" Said Apollo with fake cheer as he swung the office doors, closing it behind him. Inside he was greeted by a warm handshake from Alpha Garret. "Where have you been we got here almost an hour ago." said a Sultry voice. "Your just as impatient as ever Madison" Said Apollo turning his gaze towards the voice. She was leaning against his desk her arms crossed. She was dressed casual, in jeans, a hipster jacket and a neck scarf. Her face was made up, but not overly done and her long blonde hair was pulled back into a pony-tail. " I had some business to take care of I'm sorry I had you wait" Said Apollo placing a had around the woman waist and a kiss on her lips. A smile played on her taken lips as she inhaled sharply. She leaned against his warm chest and wrapped her hands around his waist. " We forgive you then" she said before they pulled apart. "Of course we do,'' said Alpha Garrett chuckling.

"It seems this was all apart of the moon goddess plan after all." Said Alpha Garrett. "Thirteen years ago my pack was attacked by rouges. That day my home became a battlefield and many of my men fought to their last breath. Certain that we would lose the battle I sent the women and children ahead to safety in the Eastern woodland pack. My wife and I went as far as we could but we had to send our daughter Lyra, the only blood heir to the Crimson pack. We stayed behind and continued evacuating pack members" Alpha Garrett paused and looked at His daughter Madison his facial features a mix of happiness and sadness. He then smiles and glances at Apollo.

"Your father, The previous Alpha, caught the destress signal we sent out and came to our aid; I will forever be in his debt." Alpha Garrett held Madison's hand in his and smiled. "We searched everywhere for Lyra. On one of our searches We came across a little girl crying in the field. Her parents where killed and she was alone in the world. After the search parties returned there were no leads as to what happened to our daughter and there was no body to be found." He sighed and fought back a tears. "My wife and I deiced to adopt Madison and we later found out about my wife's infertility."

"Im sorry for your loss Alpha Garrett" Said Apollo

"Not at all Apollo, We haven't given up hope after all Lyra has my alpha blood running through her veins. Apart of me feels she's out there surviving somewhere. If not then out of our loss came your fate to meet Madison. Learning that you two are mates only confirms that for me."

"Yes father It was probably the moon goddesses will that lead you to find me that day and now my mate is the son of thee man that saved the pack." said Madison her head resting on Apollo's chest. Apollo watched her speak, bile slowly rising in his chest as lies slipped out of her mouth, smooth and easy like melted butter running down toast.

My pack is not the richest money wise Apollo, however after that disaster 13 years ago I'm afraid I wet a bit crazy developing our warriors. All the men,women, and omegas have been trained daily since they found their wolf. Runts are trained to use their size as an advantage. Omegas are able to draw out even the tiniest of their power giving them a boost in strength speed and healing." Alpha Garret sighed in satisfaction. "The pack is small, there's only about 15,000 members as of today. Many of my people have found their mate in Your pack Apollo. Seeing as my daughter and you are mates I have no problem accepting your proposal giving you leadership over my pack. Perhaps it was fate for these two packs to join one day." Alpha Garrett laughed "look at us, all this talk about fate."Madison kept her face neutral, but she was too smug. Her lips twisted into a half smirk as she thought about the being luna. As luna she would be an equal to her Alpha. It could do so many things, it really was happiness. No one could look down on her Omega rank.

After learning she was adopted she knew her father would never pass on the title of Alpha to her. It wasn't because she was adopted it was simply because she was born an Omega. The next in line for the position would have gone to the second in command. Her only hope was to be mated to an alpha and have him take leadership over the small pack. When she turned 18 she found out she was mated to Noah Lange an omega from the Eastern woodland pack; She rejected him on the spot. A couple months after she caught on to a conversation Apollo and His second in command, Butch were having. Something about not finding his mate and needing better warriors. She told him if her were to choose her as his mate her pack would be his. He was reluctant. Last summer Apollo payed a visit to the a visit to the Crimson pack. The purpose was to reject Madison and continue searching for his true mate. During his stay Apollo was introduced to some or the best fighters. He quickly realized his fighters stood no chance against the Crimson pack warriors. The only ones that stood their ground was Apollo, Butch, and Striker. He needed their power and she needed his Influence.

"We can discuss the details on you next visit to my pack" Said Alpha Garrett "You must meet my mate along with the rest of the pack before we proceed"

"That sounds perfect Alpha as soon as I've wrapped up business in the company ill-"

"No worries son. Just don't keep us waiting too long especially your mate you must seal the bond as soon as possible and mark her."

"Yes sir."

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